yarn @angular/router 20.0.0-next.3

latest releases: 20.0.0-next.4, 19.2.4
8 days ago


Commit Description
feat - bec1610da2 add extended diagnostic for invalid nullish coalescing (#60279)
feat - 1971e57a45 support type checking of host bindings (#60267)
fix - 29eded6457 report more accurate diagnostic for invalid import (#60455)
fix - 2d51a203dc wrong event name for host listener decorators (#60460)


Commit Description
feat - 22d3f0562c add hook for producer creation side effects (#60333)
feat - b154fb3911 add support for two-way bindings on dynamically-created components (#60342)
feat - 644d9f3bbd mark the toSignal API as stable (#60442)
feat - 5e209cb560 remove TestBed.get (#60414)
fix - b461e06ecb catch hydration marker with implicit body tag (#60429)
fix - b8daf472d8 execute timer trigger outside zone (#60392)
fix - 8953e45a43 include input name in error message (#60404)
fix - 48974c3cf8 remove rejectErrors option encourages uncaught exceptions (#60397)
fix - 04d963c0a5 remove unused parameter from listener instruction (#60406)


Commit Description
fix - 3606aabd6b ensure compiler is loaded before @angular/common (#60458)


Commit Description
fix - cd7c170763 handle output emitters when downgrading a component (#60369)

Breaking Changes


    • TestBed.get has been removed. Use TestBed.inject instead.

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