yarn @angular/platform-browser-dynamic 17.0.0-next.3

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10 months ago

17.0.0-next.3 (2023-09-06)


Commit Description
fix - 40bb45f329 Respect OnPush change detection strategy for dynamically created components (#51356)
perf - 88a0af64fd generate arrow functions for pure function calls (#51668)


Commit Description
fix - f464e39364 Ensure title observable gets latest values (#51561)
fix - b2aff43621 Remove urlHandlingStrategy from public Router properties (#51631)

Breaking Changes


  • OnPush components that are created dynamically now
    only have their host bindings refreshed and ngDoCheck run during change
    detection if they are dirty.
    Previously, a bug in the change detection would result in the OnPush
    configuration of dynamically created components to be ignored when
    executing host bindings and the ngDoCheck function. This is
    rarely encountered but can happen if code has a handle on the
    ComponentRef instance and updates values read in the OnPush
    component template without then calling either markForCheck or
    detectChanges on that component's ChangeDetectorRef.


  • urlHandlingStrategy has been removed from the Router public API.
    This should instead be configured through the provideRouter or RouterModule.forRoot APIs.

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