yarn @angular/platform-browser-dynamic 14.1.0-next.1

latest releases: 18.2.0-next.2, 18.1.2, 18.2.0-next.1...
2 years ago

14.1.0-next.1 (2022-06-15)


Commit Description
fix - 8b9c32d4dc allow null in ngComponentOutlet (#46280)


Commit Description
feat - 131d029da1 detect missing control flow directive imports in standalone components (#46146)
fix - 04acc6b14d don't emit empty providers array (#46301)
fix - f35f4751b5 use inline type-check blocks for components outside rootDir (#46096)


Commit Description
fix - b1a3dec58d Resolve forwardRef declarations for jit (#46334)


Commit Description
feat - de058bba99 Add CanMatch guard to control whether a Route should match (#46021)

Special Thanks

Alex Rickabaugh, Andrew Kushnir, Andrew Scott, Badawi7, Daniel Schmitz, Derek Cormier, Jessica Janiuk, JiaLiPassion, JoostK, Kevin Davila, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Paul Draper, Paul Gschwendtner, Tom Eustace, Totati, Younes Jaaidi, alefra, dario-piotrowicz, markostanimirovic, mgechev, piyush132000, sten-bone and vivekkoya

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