yarn @angular/platform-browser-dynamic 13.0.0-next.12

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2 years ago

13.0.0-next.12 (2021-10-05)

Breaking Changes


  • TypeScript versions older than 4.4.2 are no longer supported.


  • The return type of SwUpdate#activateUpdate and SwUpdate#checkForUpdate changed to Promise<boolean>.

Although unlikely, it is possible that this change will cause TypeScript type-checking to fail in
some cases. If necessary, update your types to account for the new
return type.



  • The SwUpdate#activated observable is deprecated.

The SwUpdate#activated observable only emits values as a direct response to calling
SwUpdate#activateUpdate() and was only useful for determining whether the call resulted in an
update or not. Now, the return value of SwUpdate#activateUpdate() can be used to determine the
outcome of the operation and therefore using SwUpdate#activated does not offer any benefit.

  • The SwUpdate#availalbe observable is deprecated.

The new SwUpdate#versionUpdates observable provides the same information and more. Therefore, it
is possible to rebuild the same behavior as SwUpdate#availalbe using the events emitted by
SwUpdate#versionUpdates and filtering for VersionReadyEvent events.
As a result, the SwUpdate#availalbe observable is now redundant.


Commit Description
fix - dbe656d1e0 ngc-wrapped should not rely on linker for external workspaces (#43690)


Commit Description
fix - 263feba5c2 handle nullable expressions correctly in the nullish coalescing extended template diagnostic (#43572)


Commit Description
feat - c14085e434 drop support for TypeScript 4.2 and 4.3 (#43642)
fix - 7fd0428aae don't rethrow errors if test teardown has been disabled (#43635)


Commit Description
feat - 69957f72e2 provide snippets for attribute (#43590)


Commit Description
fix - 2ab2a080b6 unset attachRef when router-outlet is destroyed to avoid mounting a destroyed component (#43697)


Commit Description
feat - 59225f5586 SwUpdate#activeUpdate and SwUpdate#checkForUpdate should have a meaningful outcome (#43668)
feat - 0dc45446fe expose more version update events (#43668)
fix - fddb50b597 make ngsw.json generation deterministic and correct (#43679)

Special Thanks

Alan Agius, Andrew Scott, Doug Parker, George Kalpakas, Kristiyan Kostadinov, Maximilian Köller, Paul Gschwendtner, Wey-Han Liaw and ivanwonder

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