yarn @angular/compiler 16.0.0

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17 months ago

16.0.0 (2023-05-03)

Commit Description
refactor - 48aa96ea13 remove Angular Compatibility Compiler (ngcc) (#49101)
refactor - 2703fd6260 remove deprecated EventManager method addGlobalEventListener (#49645)


Commit Description
feat - 5dce2a5a3a Provide MockPlatformLocation by default in BrowserTestingModule (#49137)
fix - d47fef72cb strict type checking for ngtemplateoutlet (#48374)
refactor - c41a21658c remove deprecated XhrFactory export from http entrypoint (#49251)


Commit Description
feat - 1a6ca68154 add support for compile-time required inputs (#49304)
feat - 13dd614cd1 add support for compile-time required inputs (#49453)
feat - 8f539c11f4 add support for compile-time required inputs (#49468)
feat - 79cdfeb392 drop support for TypeScript 4.8 (#49155)
feat - 1407a9aeaf support multiple configuration files in extends (#49125)
fix - 9de1e9da8f incorrectly matching directives on attribute bindings (#49713)
fix - 6623810e4d Produce diagnositc if directive used in host binding is not exported (#49527)


Commit Description
feat - 03d1d00ad9 Add an extended diagnostic for nSkipHydration (#49512)
fix - ed817e32fe Catch FatalDiagnosticError during template type checking (#49527)
perf - 49fe974501 optimize NgModule emit for standalone components (#49837)


Commit Description
feat - 89d291c367 add assertInInjectionContext (#49529)
feat - 4e9531f777 add mergeApplicationConfig method (#49253)
feat - d7d6514add Add ability to configure NgZone in bootstrapApplication (#49557)
feat - bc5ddabdcb add Angular Signals to the public API (#49150)
feat - 17e9862653 add API to provide CSP nonce for inline stylesheets (#49444)
feat - 605c536420 add migration to remove moduleId references (#49496)
feat - 99d874fe3b add support for TypeScript 5.0 (#49126)
feat - d1617c449d allow removal of previously registered DestroyRef callbacks (#49493)
feat - b2327f4df1 Allow typeguards on QueryList.filter (#48042)
feat - 061f3d1086 Drop public factories property for IterableDiffers : Breaking change (#49598)
feat - fdf61974d1 drop support for zone.js versions <=0.12.0 (#49331)
feat - 9c5fd50de4 effects can optionally return a cleanup function (#49625)
feat - c024574f46 expose makeStateKey, StateKey and TransferState (#49563)
feat - a5f1737d1c expose onDestroy on ApplicationRef (#49677)
feat - e883198460 implement takeUntilDestroyed in rxjs-interop (#49154)
feat - 0814f20594 introduce runInInjectionContext and deprecate prior version (#49396)
feat - 0f5c8003cc introduce concept of DestroyRef (#49158)
feat - 9b65b84cb9 Mark components for check if they read a signal (#49153)
feat - 8997bdc03b prototype implementation of @angular/core/rxjs-interop (#49154)
feat - 585e34bf6c remove entryComponents (#49484)
feat - aad05ebeb4 support usage of non-experimental decorators with TypeScript 5.0 (#49492)
fix - 6d7be42da7 add newline to hydration mismatch error (#49965)
fix - f8e25864e8 allow async functions in effects (#49783)
fix - 84216dabfc catch errors from source signals outside of .next (#49769)
fix - be23b7ce65 ComponentRef.setInput only sets input when not equal to previous (#49607)
fix - 316c91b1a4 deprecate moduleId @Component property (#49496)
fix - fd9dcd36cd Ensure effects can be created when Zone is not defined (#49890)
fix - 9180f98f0e ensure takeUntilDestroyed unregisters onDestroy listener on unsubscribe (#49901)
fix - 4721c48a24 error if document body is null (#49818)
fix - 2650f1afc1 execute input setters in non-reactive context (#49906)
fix - f8b95b9da6 execute query setters in non-reactive context (#49906)
fix - ef91a2e0fe execute template creation in non-reactive context (#49883)
fix - 87549af73c Fix capitalization of toObservableOptions (#49832)
fix - 0e5f9ba6f4 generate consistent component IDs (#48253)
fix - fedc75624c include inner ViewContainerRef anchor nodes into ViewRef.rootNodes output (#49867)
fix - df1dfc4c17 make sure that lifecycle hooks are not tracked (#49701)
fix - c34d7e0822 onDestroy should be registered only on valid DestroyRef (#49804)
fix - 2f2ef14f9e resolve InitialRenderPendingTasks promise on complete (#49784)
fix - c7d8d3ee37 toObservable should allow writes to signals in the effect (#49769)
fix - b4531f1d82 typing of TestBed Common token. (#49997)
fix - a4e749ffca When using setInput, mark view dirty in same was as markForCheck (#49711)
perf - 9b9c818f99 change RendererType2.styles to accept a only a flat array (#49072)
refactor - 82d6fbb109 generate a static application ID (#49422)
refactor - 3b863ddc1e Remove ReflectiveInjector symbol (#48103)
refactor - f594725951 remove Node.js v14 support (#49255)


Commit Description
feat - 07a1aa3004 Improve typings form (async)Validators (#48679)


Commit Description
feat - aff1512950 allow HttpClient to cache requests (#49509)
fix - 15c91a53ae delay accessing pendingTasks.whenAllTasksComplete (#49784)
fix - 9f0c6d1ed1 ensure new cache state is returned on each request (#49749)
fix - 45a6ac09fd force macro task creation during HTTP request (#49546)
fix - 2a580b6f0b HTTP cache was being disabled prematurely (#49826)
fix - 2eb9b8b402 wait for all XHR requests to finish before stabilizing application (#49776)


Commit Description
feat - 5e5dac278d Migration to remove Router guard and resolver interfaces (#49337)


Commit Description
feat - 761e02d912 add a public API function to enable non-destructive hydration (#49666)
feat - 630af63fae deprecate withServerTransition call (#49422)
feat - 81e7d15ef6 enable HTTP request caching when using provideClientHydration (#49699)
fix - 74c925c19c export deprecated TransferState as type (#50015)
fix - 2312eb53ef KeyEventsPlugin should keep the same behavior (#49330)
fix - c934a8e72b only add ng-app-id to style on server side (#49465)
fix - 9165ff2517 reuse server generated component styles (#48253)
fix - e8e36811d5 set nonce attribute in a platform compatible way (#49624)
refactor - 3aa85a8087 move ApplicationConfig to core (#49253)
refactor - 9bd9a11f4e remove deprecated BrowserTransferStateModule symbol (#49718)


Commit Description
feat - b5278cc115 renderApplication now accepts a bootstrapping method (#49248)
feat - 056d68002f add provideServerSupport function to provide server capabilities to an application (#49380)
feat - 7870fb07fe rename provideServerSupport to provideServerRendering (#49678)
fix - a08a8ff108 bundle @angular/domino in via esbuild (#49229)
fix - 5ea624f313 remove dependency on @angular/platform-browser-dynamic (#50064)
refactor - e99460865e deprecate useAbsoluteUrl and baseUrl (#49546)
refactor - 41f27ad086 remove renderApplication overload that accepts a component (#49463)
refactor - 17abe6dc96 remove deprecated renderModuleFactory (#49247)


Commit Description
feat - ea32c3289a Expose information about the last successful Navigation (#49235)
feat - 455c728525 helper functions to convert class guards to functional (#48709)
feat - f982a3f965 Opt-in for binding Router information to component inputs (#49633)
fix - 1f055b90b6 Ensure anchor scrolling happens on ignored same URL navigations (#48025)
fix - 6193a3d406 fix = not parsed in router segment name (#47332)
fix - c0b1b7becf Remove deprecated ComponentFactoryResolver from APIs (#49239)
fix - 1e32709e0e remove RouterEvent from Event union type (#46061)
fix - 3c7e637374 Route matching should only happen once when navigating (#49163)
fix - 1600687fe5 Route matching should only happen once when navigating (#49163)
fix - 31f210bf2c Router.createUrlTree should work with any ActivatedRoute (#48508)


Commit Description
feat - 5e7fc259ea add function to provide service worker (#48247)

Breaking Changes

  • Angular Compatibility Compiler (ngcc) has been removed and as a result Angular View Engine libraries will no longer work
  • Deprecated EventManager method addGlobalEventListener has been removed as it is not used by Ivy.


  • Several changes to the Angular Package Format (APF)
    • Removal of FESM2015
    • Replacing ES2020 with ES2022
    • Replacing FESM2020 with FESM2022
  • Several changes to the Angular Package Format (APF)
    • Removal of FESM2015
    • Replacing ES2020 with ES2022
    • Replacing FESM2020 with FESM2022


  • MockPlatformLocation is now provided by default in tests.
    Existing tests may have behaviors which rely on
    BrowserPlatformLocation instead. For example, direct access to the
    window.history in either the test or the component rather than going
    through the Angular APIs (Location.getState()). The quickest fix is to
    update the providers in the test suite to override the provider again
    TestBed.configureTestingModule({providers: [{provide: PlatformLocation, useClass: BrowserPlatformLocation}]}).
    The ideal fix would be to update the code to instead be compatible with
    MockPlatformLocation instead.
  • If the 'ngTemplateOutletContext' is different from the context, it will result in a compile-time error.

Before the change, the following template was compiling:

interface MyContext {
  $implicit: string;

  standalone: true,
  imports: [NgTemplateOutlet],
  selector: 'person',
  template: `
        context: { $implicit: 'test', xxx: 'xxx' }
export class PersonComponent {
  myTemplateRef!: TemplateRef<MyContext>;

However, it does not compile now because the 'xxx' property does not exist in 'MyContext', resulting in the error: 'Type '{ $implicit: string; xxx: string; }' is not assignable to type 'MyContext'.'

The solution is either:

  • add the 'xxx' property to 'MyContext' with the correct type or
  • add '$any(...)' inside the template to make the error disappear. However, adding '$any(...)' does not correct the error but only preserves the previous behavior of the code.
  • Deprecated XhrFactory export from @angular/common/http has been removed. Use XhrFactory from @angular/common instead.


    • TypeScript 4.8 is no longer supported.


  • QueryList.filter now supports type guard functions, which will result in type narrowing. Previously if you used type guard functions, it resulted in no changes to the return type. Now the type would be narrowed, which might require updates to the application code that relied on the old behavior.

  • zone.js versions 0.11.x and 0.12.x are not longer supported.

    • entryComponents has been deleted from the @NgModule and @Component public APIs. Any usages can be removed since they weren't doing anyting.
    • ANALYZE_FOR_ENTRY_COMPONENTS injection token has been deleted. Any references can be removed.
  • ComponentRef.setInput will only set the input on the
    component if it is different from the previous value (based on Object.is
    equality). If code relies on the input always being set, it should be
    updated to copy objects or wrap primitives in order to ensure the input
    value differs from the previous call to setInput.

  • RendererType2.styles no longer accepts a nested arrays.

  • The APP_ID token value is no longer randomly generated. If you are bootstrapping multiple application on the same page you will need to set to provide the APP_ID yourself.

    bootstrapApplication(ComponentA, {
      providers: [
       { provide: APP_ID, useValue: 'app-a' },
       // ... other providers ...
  • The ReflectiveInjector and related symbols were removed. Please update the code to avoid references to the ReflectiveInjector symbol. Use Injector.create as a replacement to create an injector instead.

  • Node.js v14 support has been removed

    Node.js v14 is planned to be End-of-Life on 2023-04-30. Angular will stop supporting Node.js v14 in Angular v16. Angular v16 will continue to officially support Node.js versions v16 and v18.


  • The deprecated BrowserTransferStateModule was removed, since it's no longer needed. The TransferState class can be injected without providing the module. The BrowserTransferStateModule was empty starting from v14 and you can just remove the reference to that module from your applications.


  • Users that are using SSR with JIT mode will now need to add import to @angular/compiler before bootstrapping the application.

    NOTE: this does not effect users using the Angular CLI.

  • renderApplication method no longer accepts a root component as first argument. Instead, provide a bootstrapping function that returns a Promise<ApplicationRef>.


    const output: string = await renderApplication(RootComponent, options);


    const bootstrap = () => bootstrapApplication(RootComponent, appConfig);
    const output: string = await renderApplication(bootstrap, options);
  • renderModuleFactory has been removed. Use renderModule instead.


  • The Scroll event's routerEvent property may also be
    a NavigationSkipped event. Previously, it was only a NavigationEnd
  • ComponentFactoryResolver has been removed from Router APIs.
    Component factories are not required to create an instance of a component
    dynamically. Passing a factory resolver via resolver argument is no longer needed
    and code can instead use ViewContainerRef.createComponent without the
    factory resolver.
  • The RouterEvent type is no longer present in the Event union type representing all router event types. If you have code using something like filter((e: Event): e is RouterEvent => e instanceof RouterEvent), you'll need to update it to filter((e: Event|RouterEvent): e is RouterEvent => e instanceof RouterEvent).
  • Tests which mock ActivatedRoute instances may need to be adjusted
    because Router.createUrlTree now does the right thing in more
    scenarios. This means that tests with invalid/incomplete ActivatedRoute mocks
    may behave differently than before. Additionally, tests may now navigate
    to a real URL where before they would navigate to the root. Ensure that
    tests provide expected routes to match.
    There is rarely production impact, but it has been found that relative
    navigations when using an ActivatedRoute that does not appear in the
    current router state were effectively ignored in the past. By creating
    the correct URLs, this sometimes resulted in different navigation
    behavior in the application. Most often, this happens when attempting to
    create a navigation that only updates query params using an empty
    command array, for example router.navigate([], {relativeTo: route, queryParams: newQueryParams}). In this case, the relativeTo property
    should be removed.



  • makeStateKey, StateKey and TransferState exports have been moved from @angular/platform-browser to @angular/core. Please update the imports.
- import {makeStateKey, StateKey, TransferState} from '@angular/platform-browser';
+ import {makeStateKey, StateKey, TransferState} from '@angular/core';
  • EnvironmentInjector.runInContext is now deprecated, with
    runInInjectionContext functioning as a direct replacement:

    // Previous method version (deprecated):
    // New standalone function:
    runInInjectionContext(envInjector, fn);
  • The @Directive/@Component moduleId property is now
    deprecated. It did not have any effect for multiple major versions and
    will be removed in v17.


  • BrowserModule.withServerTransition has been deprecated. APP_ID should be used instead to set the application ID.
    NB: Unless, you render multiple Angular applications on the same page, setting an application ID is not necessary.


    imports: [
      BrowserModule.withServerTransition({ appId: 'serverApp' }),


    imports: [
      { provide: APP_ID, useValue: 'serverApp' },
  • ApplicationConfig has moved, please import ApplicationConfig from @angular/core instead.


  • PlatformConfig.baseUrl and PlatformConfig.useAbsoluteUrl platform-server config options are deprecated as these were not used.

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