yarn @angular/cli 17.0.0-next.1

latest releases: 18.1.0-rc.1, 18.0.7, 18.1.0-rc.0...
10 months ago

17.0.0-next.1 (2023-09-06)


Commit Description
fix - 6b08efa6f account for arrow function IIFE
fix - 188a00f3e elide setClassMetadataAsync calls


Commit Description
refactor - f600bbc97 remove deprecated runExternalSchematicAsync and runSchematicAsync


Commit Description
fix - 4fe03266a account for arrow function IIFE
fix - 89f21ac8c remove setClassMetadataAsync calls

Breaking Changes


  • deprecated runExternalSchematicAsync and runSchematicAsync methods have been removed in favor of runExternalSchematic and runSchematic.

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