yarn @angular/cli 10.0.0-next.3

latest releases: 18.1.0-next.3, 18.0.5, 18.1.0-next.2...
4 years ago


@angular-devkit/build-angular (0.1000.0-next.3)

Commit Description Notes
rebase relative stylesheet assets when using preprocessors
disable inline svg optimizations
the path to `source_file_utils` changed in v10.0.0
ensure webpack tilde resolve behavior for stylesheet resources

@schematics/angular (10.0.0-next.3)

Commit Description Notes
add migration for `evalSourceMap`, `vendorSourceMap` `profile` and `skipAppShell` options.

Breaking Changes

@angular-devkit/build-angular: remove deprecated evalSourceMap, vendorSourceMap, profile and skipAppShell options (8fb7e58)

The following deprecated devkit builders options have been removed:

  • skipAppShell: This has no effect
  • evalSourceMap: This done to improve performance in older versions of the CLI and is no longer needed
  • vendorSourceMap: Use sourceMap.vendor instead
  • profile: Use NG_BUILD_PROFILING environment variable instead

Special Thanks

Renovate Bot, Alan Agius, Keen Yee Liau, Charles Lyding, Minko Gechev, Pete Bacon Darwin

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