yarn @angular/cdk 10.2.0-rc.0

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3 years ago


feature add support for TypeScript 4.0 (#20368) (f33210c)
bug fix a11y: add parent node check to AriaDescriber (#19951) (16a3730), closes #19949
bug fix clipboard: scroll position changing while copying on some browsers (#20073) (a6f1a33)
bug fix drag-drop: preserve checked state for grouped radio inputs (#20237) (8c336c9), closes #20236
bug fix layout: support readonly arrays for public methods (#20252) (e3699dc)
bug fix overlay: ensure OverlayOutsideClickDispatcher listens to contextmenu events (#20373) (7a63ad6)
bug fix overlay: fix wrong overflow calculation (#17791) (d2b499d)
bug fix testing: emit pointer events on hover and mouseAway (#20098) (a5274a9)
feature collections: extract view repeater strategies from virtualForOf and CDK table. (#19964) (3b3b55f)
feature testing: add optional excludes to TestElement text method (#20145) (8eb6754)
feature testing: add test harnesses for the datepicker module (#20219) (90d6b70)
bug fix testing: filtering by regex not working (#20148) (20e5ea9)



  • autocomplete: * AUTOCOMPLETE_OPTION_HEIGHT is deprecated, because it isn't being used anymore.
  • AUTOCOMPLETE_PANEL_HEIGHT is deprecated, because it isn't being used anymore.
feature add support for TypeScript 4.0 (#20368) (f33210c)
bug fix badge: allow more data types for badge content (#20331) (75f73ae), closes #20326
bug fix checkbox: not handling unknown color palette (#18467) (64145fd), closes #18465
bug fix chips: support readonly collections in inputs (#20292) (134cbf3)
bug fix core: allow for default color and tabindex to be set per instance (#20125) (c4b7604), closes #18467
bug fix datepicker: add coercion for opened input (#20250) (490a893)
bug fix datepicker: not showing single-day comparison ranges (#20102) (0433cd9), closes #20100
bug fix datepicker: range selection strategy not picking up custom date adapter (#19914) (984ca88), closes #19902
bug fix datepicker: support dateClass on year and multi-year views (#20256) (2683b3d), closes #20017
bug fix dialog: backdrop not detaching if container view is destroyed (#20232) (199f728)
bug fix drag-drop: remove redundant style changes from handle directive (#20330) (fc67ff3), closes #19919
bug fix form-field: add a type check for userAriaDescribedBy (7a2a732)
bug fix form-field: fix form-field comment for google sync (#20109) (28f8edf)
bug fix input: do not override existing aria-describedby value (#19587) (7d511ba)
bug fix list: determine if option value changed (#19828) (#19870) (f9c5ffe)
bug fix list: don't redirect focus to first option on mouse focus (#19889) (22eca83), closes #18948
bug fix overlay: only dispatch position change event if requested (#19785) (bbf5670)
bug fix platform: detect and ignore scrollBehavior polyfills (#20155) (6569041), closes #17847
bug fix portal: running change detection before nodes have been moved to outlet (#16407) (a388cc3), closes #16346
bug fix progress-spinner: Progress spinner animation fails for floating point diameter values (#20192) (2c47b06), closes #20158
bug fix scrolling: virtual scroll not accounting for margin when measuring range (#19852) (a62a50a), closes #19851
bug fix select: emitting change event twice for reset values (#13598) (77b11f4), closes #10859 #10675 #13579
bug fix select: use combobox pattern for accessibility (#20082) (6fbf142), closes #11083
bug fix sidenav: run autosize debounce timer outside the NgZone (#18898) (27e3b9d), closes #18894
bug fix slider: don't emit change events on mousedown (#20240) (ce72369), closes #14363
bug fix stepper: parent stepper picking up steps from child stepper (#18458) (9d309f7), closes #18448
bug fix stepper: remove tabindex from content (#16809) (df7156e), closes #14892 #16692
bug fix table: correctly sort columns with mixed data types (21f2df3), closes #20149
bug fix table: incorrect padding for single-cell rows in rtl (#20266) (1f6b90c), closes #20265
bug fix table: rename flex example (#20316) (3396b4b)
bug fix tree: Apply aria-level to all nodes (#17818) (aeb6f89)
feature autocomplete: support variable option height (#20324) (2058f71), closes #18030
feature chips: add test harness (#20028) (165622e)
feature combobox: add to dev-app (#20276) (f718821)
feature datepicker: add getValidDateOrNull method (#19915) (f0e56f0)
feature form-field: expose label content element id for custom controls (#18528) (23818f5)
feature icon: add test harness (#20072) (092b151)
feature mat-paginator: Optionally style the mat-paginator form-field (#18800) (f9c6d2a)
feature stepper: add test harness (#20092) (f343ded)
performance allow assertions to be removed in production mode (#20146) (79e4d28)
performance icon: avoid unnecessarily parsing icon sets (#18654) (5526ab9), closes #18644
performance table: Do column name string interpolation once per column instead of once per cell (#19801) (bf953e9)
performance table: Reduce calls to updateStickyColumnStyles (#19739) (f484e96)
performance table: Slightly improve speed of adding/remvoing sticky styles (#19823) (1b1c31e)
performance tooltip: Hook up to pointer leave events when pointer enter events fire (#19777) (04b7523)


bug fix avoid re-initializing info window for same marker (#19299) (90f4d0e)
feature Add KML Layer component to Google Maps (#19226) (2b00725)
feature Add Layer components. (#19604) (3345a9a)


bug fix menu: do not allow two separate triggers to open the same menu (#20300) (6948186)
bug fix menu: ensure context menu is closed out with other menu elements on page (#20234) (beaf072)
bug fix menu: ensure menu is closed out when clicking on an inline menu item (#20241) (c7a7b1e)
bug fix menu: fix double state toggle in radio and checkbox menu items (#20259) (c0499b8)
bug fix menu: re-open menu on hover after click to close on trigger (#20173) (ecb6e38)
feature combobox: add combobox base (#20211) (6184328)
feature combobox: added additional open actions and a combobox-popup directive (#20306) (809f157)
feature combobox: created combobox file skeleton. (fbfe4cb), closes #20185
feature combobox: make CdkListbox compatible with CdkCombobox (#20291) (23d3c21)
feature menu: add ability to close menus when clicking outside the menu tree (#20064) (2980b07)
feature menu: add context menu trigger directive (#20144) (d945b27)
feature menu: add roving tab index to menu items (#20235) (75042e4)
feature menu: add support for inline menus (#20143) (8b68083)
feature menu: add the ability to open/close menus on mouse click and hover (#20118) (cdbf2c1)
feature menu: enable keyboard handling for context menu (#20171) (0b5eaa8)
feature selection: Merge cdk–selection to the master (#20229) (ebb3998), closes #18424 #18620 #19945
performance column-resize: Coalesce style updates along with sticky styler (#20086) (e2bc083)
performance column-resize: Further defer initial min/max column size application to reduce layout thrashing (#20238) (3ce4452)


bug fix mdc-core: set up strong focus indication for MDC-based option (#20354) (9a4adb7)
bug fix mdc-menu: apply typography to button menu items (#20169) (8fb560f)
bug fix mdc-menu/testing: add unimplemented methods (#20352) (e784f8f)
bug fix mdc-table: reset table layout (#20364) (55f7882)
feature add MDC-based mat-option and mdc-core entry point (#19557) (d1607cb)
feature MDC-based version of dialog (d137848)
feature mdc-autocomplete: implement MDC-based mat-autocomplete (#20247) (c8f03c7)
feature mdc-card: add test harness (#20298) (b69a75b)
feature mdc-list: implement selection list (#20279) (fe14d88)
feature mdc-radio: add test harness (#20283) (68b4374)
feature mdc-snack-bar: add test harness (#20366) (4aa8718)
feature mdc-table: add test harnesses (#20319) (8809084)
feature mdc-tabs: add test harnesses (#20322) (3854b66)
feature menubar: extends components from cdk menu equivalents (#20301) (fd2976f)
feature menubar: update the dev-app to include a fake mat-menu (#20365) (06a9843)
feature mdc-core: add test harnesses for MDC option and option group (2d4cab2)

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