pypi xonsh 0.9.12

latest releases: 0.19.2, 0.19.1, 0.19.0...
5 years ago


  • Added autovox xontrib
  • xonsh.lib.itertools.as_iterable for making sure that strings are turned into iterables
  • The percol command no longer predicts as threadable.


  • The source alias is now unthreaded, enabling contextvars to be used
    correctly in sourced files.
  • Changed the ExecAlias to only be applied when the logical operators
    (and, or) are surrounded by whitespace.


  • Fixed missing ANSI color modifiers which causes traceback when they were used by $LS_COLORS.
  • gray empty bottom bar when using $XONSH_UPDATE_PROMPT_ON_KEYPRESS
  • xonsh.lib.subprocess.check_output() now properly captures output.
  • Correct ANSI colors for the default color scheme to stop suppressing the bold / italic / underline modifiers.
  • tab completion for cd correctly handles the CDPATH environment variable
  • On Windows, send CTRL_C_EVENT to subprocesses instead of SIGINT.
  • xonsh will return a non-zero exit code if it is run in file mode and
    cannot find the file specified, e.g.
$ xonsh thisfiledoesntexist.xsh
xonsh: thisfiledoesntexist.xsh: No such file or directory.
$ _.returncode
  • Fixed issue with Jedi xontrib incorrectly raising errors
    during tab completion.
  • Defining functions inside of the shell no longer crashes on Python 3.8.
  • The encoding for xonsh script are now always assumed to be utf-8, even on
    Windows where the default encoding can be different. This allows for writing
    real unicode characters in the xonsh script files.


  • Anthony Scopatz
  • Gil Forsyth
  • Morten Enemark Lund
  • Jamie Bliss
  • christopher
  • Carmen Bianca Bakker
  • Caleb Hattingh
  • Sean Farley
  • Allan Crooks
  • micimize
  • nedsociety
  • fanosta

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