pypi xonsh 0.8.9

latest releases: 0.19.2, 0.19.1, 0.19.0...
6 years ago


  • New env_prefix & env_postfix prompt fields for rendering the pre- and
    post-fix characters of the an active virtual environment.
  • ON_WSL attribute in
  • Rendering of {env_name} in $PROMPT is now suppressed if
    the $VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT environment variable is
    defined and truthy.
  • Rendering of {env_name} in $PROMPT is now overridden by
    the value of str($VIRTUAL_ENV_PROMPT) if that environment variable
    is defined and not None. $VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT takes precedence
  • A xontrib which adds support for direnv <>_


  • env_name prompt field now looks up the pre- and post-fix characters,
    rather than relying on hard-coded values.
  • Some minor history show efficiency improvements.
  • If we are on wsl, avoid to use xonsh_preexec_fn when pipe.


  • Made $PATH searching more robust to broken symlinks on Windows.
  • undesirable SIGSTOP by putting in a SIGCONT
  • Fixed issue with recursive aliases not being passes all keyword arguments
    that are part of the callable alias spec. This allows commands like
    aliases['hsa'] = "history show all"; hsa | head to no longer fail
    with strange errors.


  • Anthony Scopatz
  • Sagar Tewari
  • Brian Skinn
  • Yohei Tamura
  • anatoly techtonik
  • 74th
  • Chad Kennedy

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