pypi xonsh 0.8.3

latest releases: 0.19.2, 0.19.1, 0.19.0...
6 years ago


  • Dociumentation paragrapgh about gow to run xonsh in Emacs shell


  • Updated what pip requirements are needed to build the documnetaion
  • $XONSH_TRACEBACK_LOGFILE now beside strings also accepts os.PathLike
  • Updated vended version of ply to 3.11
  • Deprecation warnings now print from stacklevel 3.


  • Annotation assignment statements (e.g. x : int = 42) are now supported.

  • Fixed error output wording for fg and bg commands

  • Flake8 errors

  • xonsh can now properly parse import statements with trailing comma within
    parentheses, e.g.::

    from x import (y, z,)

  • ResourceWarning: unclosed scandir iterator in

  • Removed use of deprecated inspect.formatargspec() for inspect.signature()

  • Makefile directive that updates vended version of ply

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