pypi xonsh 0.6.1

latest releases: 0.19.1, 0.19.0, 0.18.4...
6 years ago


  • Support for MSYS2.
  • New xonsh.main.setup() function for starting up xonsh in 3rd party


  • Updated CircleCI to use circle version 2.0
  • Replaced StopIteration with return in CommandPipeline.iterraw.
  • Xonsh run control now also looks for the XDG-compliant file
    ~/.config/xonsh/rc.xsh at startup.


  • Clean out $LINES and $COLUMNS if set, preventing some programs from drawing weirdly
  • cat from xoreutils now outputs in configured encoding
  • Fixed hanging issue with pipelines whose middle processes exit before the
    first or last process.
  • Fixed issue where xonsh would deduplicate spaces from bash autocompletions.
  • Fixed failing redirections from stderr to stdout when the command
    being executed was a callable alias.
  • Ensure that the free_cwd contrib can only be active on pure Windows.
  • Made an exceptional case in iglobpath() more robust when Python globbing
    fails for due to strange scrandir issue.
  • Unexpected process suspension on Cygwin and MSYS2.
  • $XONSH_APPEND_NEWLINE will now default to True when in interactive mode.
  • Fixed issue with uncalled lambdas being run in subproc mode.
  • Lambda nodes not have proper line and column numbers in AST.
  • Properly throw SyntaxError when no kwargs are defined
    in a kwarg-only function. This used to throw a
    TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable.
  • Addressed issue where encoding and errors were None when teeing output.
  • Commands like git c would complete to git 'checkout ' because git adds an extra space
    to the end of the completion, which was being captured in the completion. Xonsh now fixes the git issue
    while retaining all whitespace when there is other internal whitespace.

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