pypi webauthn 2.5.0

one day ago


  • A new require_user_presence argument has been added to verify_registration_response() to enable verification of WebAuthn responses generated through use of conditional create where the up bit in authData.flags will be False (#236, h/t @bschoenmaeckers)
  • verify_authentication_response() has been updated to return user_verified as well to indicate whether or not the user performed user verification (#235, h/t @ggirol-rc)
  • Verification of "android-key" attestation statements has been modernized in light of Android's latest observable behavior (#240)
  • Verification of "android-safetynet" attestation statements now enforces the "basicIntegrity" flag instead of the "ctsProfileMatch" flag when determining device integrity (#241)
  • The list of known TPM manufacturers has been updated (#242)

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