pypi wagtail 4.2rc1

latest releases: 6.2.1, 6.2, 6.2rc1...
20 months ago
  • Added StreamField data migration helpers (Sandil Ranasinghe, Jacob Topp-Mugglestone, Joshua Munn, Karl Hobley)
  • Added ability to lock snippet models with LockableMixin (Sage Abdullah)
  • Added ability to submit snippets for moderation with WorkflowMixin (Sage Abdullah)
  • Create {% fullpageurl %} tag for getting the absolute URL of a page (Jake Howard)
  • Added MultipleChooserPanel, a variant of InlinePanel with improved editor experience when inserting multiple linked objects (Matt Westcott)
  • Test assertion util WagtailPageTestCase.assertCanCreate now supports the kwarg publish=True to check publish redirection (Harry Percival, Akua Dokua Asiedu)
  • Ensure that the rebuild_references_index command can run without console output if called with --verbosity 0 (Omerzahid Ali, Aman Pandey)
  • Add full support for secondary buttons with icons in the Wagtail design system - button bicolor button--icon button-secondary including the button-small variant (Seremba Patrick)
  • Add purge_embeds management command to delete all the cached embed objects in the database (Aman Pandey)
  • Make it possible to resize the page editor’s side panels (Sage Abdullah)
  • Add ability to include form_fields as an APIField on FormPage (Sævar Öfjörð Magnússon, Suyash Singh, LB (Ben) Johnston)
  • Ensure that images listings are more consistently aligned when there are fewer images uploaded (Theresa Okoro)
  • Add more informative validation error messages for non-unique slugs within the admin interface and for programmatic page creation (Benjamin Bach)
  • Always show the page editor title field’s border when the field is empty (Thibaud Colas)
  • Snippet models extending DraftStateMixin now automatically define a "Publish" permission type (Sage Abdullah)
  • Users now remain on the edit page after saving a snippet as draft (Sage Abdullah)
  • Base project template now populates the meta description tag from the search description field (Aman Pandey)
  • Added support for azure-mgmt-cdn version >= 10 and azure-mgmt-frontdoor version >= 1 in the frontend cache invalidator (Sylvain Fankhauser)
  • Add a system check to warn when a django-storages backend is configured to allow overwriting (Rishabh jain)
  • Update admin focus outline color to have higher contrast against white backgrounds (Thibaud Colas)
  • Implement latest design for the admin dashboard header (Thibaud Colas, Steven Steinwand)
  • Add Axe accessibility checker integration within userbar, with count and list of errors (Albina Starykova)
  • Restyle the userbar to follow the visual design of the Wagtail admin (Albina Starykova)
  • Allow configuring Axe accessibility checker integration via construct_wagtail_userbar hook (Sage Abdullah)
  • Support pinning and un-pinning the rich text editor toolbar depending on user preference (Thibaud Colas)
  • Make the rich text block trigger and slash-commands always available regardless of where the cursor is (Thibaud Colas)
  • Adjust the size of panel labels on the "Account" form (Thibaud Colas)
  • Delay hiding the contents of the side panels when closing, so the animation is smoother (Thibaud Colas)
  • ListBlock now shows item-by-item differences when comparing versions (Tidiane Dia)
  • Fix: Make sure workflow timeline icons are visible in high-contrast mode (Loveth Omokaro)
  • Fix: Ensure authentication forms (login, password reset) have a visible border in Windows high-contrast mode (Loveth Omokaro)
  • Fix: Ensure visual consistency between buttons and links as buttons in Windows high-contrast mode (Albina Starykova)
  • Fix: references extraction for ChooserBlock (Alex Tomkins)
  • Fix: Incorrectly formatted link in the documentation for Wagtail community support (Bolarinwa Comfort Ajayi)
  • Fix: Text within status tags text will now resize correctly when customizing browser font size (Mary Ojo)
  • Fix: Ensure logo shows correctly on log in page in Windows high-contrast mode (Loveth Omokaro)
  • Fix: Comments notice background overflows its container (Yekasumah)
  • Fix: Ensure links within help blocks meet colour contrast guidelines for accessibility (Theresa Okoro)
  • Fix: Ensure the skip link (used for keyboard control) meets colour contrast guidelines for accessibility (Dauda Yusuf)
  • Fix: Ensure tag fields correctly show in both dark and light Windows high-contrast modes (Albina Starykova)
  • Fix: Ensure new tooltips & tooltip menus have visible borders and tip triangle in Windows high-contrast mode (Juliet Adeboye)
  • Fix: Ensure there is a visual difference of 'active/current link' vs normal links in Windows high-contrast mode (Mohammad Areeb)
  • Fix: Avoid issues where trailing whitespace could be accidentally removed in translations for new page & snippet headers (Florian Vogt)
  • Fix: Make sure minimap error indicators follow the minimap scrolling (Thibaud Colas)
  • Fix: Remove the ability to view or add comments to InlinePanel inner fields to avoid lost or incorrectly linked comments (Jacob Topp-Mugglestone)
  • Fix: Use consistent heading styles on top-level fields in the page editor (Sage Abdullah)
  • Fix: Allow button labels to wrap onto two lines in dropdown buttons (Coen van der Kamp)
  • Fix: Remove spurious horizontal resize handle from text areas (Matt Westcott)
  • Fix: Move DateField, DateTimeField, TimeField comment buttons to be right next to the fields (Theresa Okoro)
  • Fix: Support text resizing in workflow steps cards (Ivy Jeptoo)
  • Fix: Ignore images added via fixtures when using WAGTAILIMAGES_FEATURE_DETECTION_ENABLED to avoid errors for images that do not exist (Aman Pandey)
  • Fix: Restore ability to perform JSONField query operations against StreamField when running against the Django 4.2 development branch (Sage Abdullah)
  • Fix: Ensure there is correct grammar and pluralisation for Tab error counts shown to screen readers (Aman Pandey)
  • Fix: Pass through expected expected cc, bcc and reply_to to the Django mail helper from wagtail.admin.mail.send_mail (Ben Gosney)
  • Fix: Allow reviewing or reverting to a Page's initial revision (Andy Chosak)
  • Fix: Use the correct padding for autocomplete block picker (Umar Farouk Yunusa)
  • Fix: Ensure that short content pages (such as editing snippets) do not show an inconsistent background (Sage Abdullah)
  • Fix: Fix horizontal positioning of rich text inline toolbar (Thibaud Colas)
  • Fix: Ensure that DecimalBlock correctly handles None, when required=False, values (Natarajan Balaji)
  • Fix: Close the userbar when clicking its toggle (Albina Starykova)
  • Fix: Add a border around the userbar menu in Windows high-contrast mode so it can be identified (Albina Starykova)
  • Fix: Make sure browser font resizing applies to the userbar (Albina Starykova)
  • Fix: Fix check for delete_url_name attribute in generic DeleteView (Alex Simpson)
  • Fix: Re-implement design system colors so HSL values exactly match the desired RGB (Albina Starykova)
  • Fix: Resolve issue where workflow and other notification emails would not include the correct tab URL for account notification management (LB (Ben) Johnston)
  • Fix: Use consistent spacing above and below page headers (Thibaud Colas)
  • Fix: Use the correct icon sizes and spacing in slim header (Thibaud Colas)
  • Fix: Use the correct color for placeholders in rich text fields (Thibaud Colas)
  • Fix: Prevent obstructing the outline around rich text fields (Thibaud Colas)
  • Fix: Page editor dropdowns now use indigo backgrounds like elsewhere in the admin interface (Thibaud Colas)
  • Fix: Allow parsing of multiple key/value pairs from string in (Beniamin Bucur)
  • Fix: Prevent memory exhaustion when purging a large number of revisions (Jake Howard)
  • Fix: Add right-to-left (RTL) support for the following form components: Switch, Minimap, live preview (Thibaud Colas)
  • Fix: Improve right-to-left (RTL) positioning for the following components: Page explorer, Sidebar sub-menu, rich text tooltips, rich text toolbar trigger, editor section headers (Thibaud Colas)
  • Fix: Use the workflow name as the workflow information dialog title (Sage Abdullah)
  • Fix: Link to workflow history view instead of page history view in the workflow information dialog (Sage Abdullah)
  • Fix: Fix in-progress count in warning message when disabling workflows (Sage Abdullah)
  • Fix: Show workflow name on workflow history index page (Sage Abdullah)
  • Fix: Fix workflow history detail timeline content from showing on initial load (Sage Abdullah)
  • Fix: Center-align StreamField and rich text block picker buttons with the dotted guide line (Thibaud Colas)
  • Fix: Search bar in chooser modals now performs autocomplete searches under PostgreSQL (Matt Westcott)
  • Fix: Server-side document filenames are preserved when replacing a document file (Suyash Singh, Matt Westcott)
  • Docs: Add custom permissions section to permissions documentation page (Dan Hayden)
  • Docs: Add documentation for how to get started with contributing translations for the Wagtail admin (Ogunbanjo Oluwadamilare)
  • Docs: Officially recommend fnm over nvm in development documentation (LB (Ben) Johnston)
  • Docs: Mention the importance of passing request and current_site to get_url on the performance documentation page (Jake Howard)
  • Docs: Add documentation for register_user_listing_buttons hook (LB (Ben Johnston))
  • Docs: Add development (contributing to Wagtail) documentation notes for development on Windows (Akua Dokua Asiedu)
  • Docs: Mention Wagtail’s usage of Django’s default user model by default (Temidayo Azeez)
  • Docs: Add links to treebeard documentation for relevant methods (Temidayo Azeez)
  • Docs: Add clarification on where to register entity plugins (Mark McOsker)
  • Docs: Fix logo in README not being visible in high-contrast mode (Benita Anawonah)
  • Docs: Improve 'first wagtail site' tutorial (Akua Dokua Asiedu)
  • Docs: Grammatical adjustments of page models usage guide (Damilola Oladele)
  • Docs: Add class inheritance information to StreamField block sreference (Temidayo Azeez)
  • Docs: Document the hook register_image_operations and add an example of a custom Image filter (Coen van der Kamp)
  • Docs: Fix incorrect example code for StreamField migration of RichTextField (Matt Westcott)
  • Docs: Document the policy needed to create invalidations in CloudFront (Jake Howard)
  • Docs: Document how to add permission restriction to a report view (Rishabh jain)
  • Docs: Add example for how to configure API renderer_classes (Aman Pandey)
  • Maintenance: Switch to using Willow instead of Pillow for images (Darrel O'Pry)
  • Maintenance: Remove unsquashed testapp migrations (Matt Westcott)
  • Maintenance: Upgrade to Node 18 for frontend build tooling (LB (Ben) Johnston)
  • Maintenance: Run Python tests with coverage and upload coverage data to codecov (Sage Abdullah)
  • Maintenance: Clean up duplicate JavaScript for the escapeHtml function (Jordan Rob)
  • Maintenance: Clean up Prettier & Eslint usage for search promotions formset JS file (LB (Ben Johnston))
  • Maintenance: Ensure that translation file generation ignores JavaScript unit tests and clean up unit tests for Django gettext utils (LB (Ben Johnston))
  • Maintenance: Migrated initButtonSelects from core.js to own TypesScript file and add unit tests (Loveth Omokaro)
  • Maintenance: Migrated initSkipLink util to TypeScript and add JSDoc & unit tests (Juliet Adeboye)
  • Maintenance: Clean up some unused utility classes and migrate unlist to Tailwind utility class w-list-none (Loveth Omokaro)
  • Maintenance: Clean up linting on legacy code and add shared util hasOwn in TypeScript (Loveth Omokaro)
  • Maintenance: Remove unnecessary box-sizing: border-box declarations in SCSS (Albina Starykova)
  • Maintenance: Migrated initTooltips to TypeScript add JSDoc and unit tests (Fatuma Abdullahi)
  • Maintenance: Migrated initTagField from core.js to own TypeScript file and add unit tests (Chisom Okeoma)
  • Maintenance: Added unit tests & JSDoc to initDissmisibles (Yekasumah)
  • Maintenance: Standardise on classname for passing HTML class attributes (LB (Ben Johnston))
  • Maintenance: Clean up expanding formset and InlinePanel JavaScript initialisation code and adopt a class approach (Matt Westcott)
  • Maintenance: Extracted revision and draft state logic from generic views into mixins (Sage Abdullah)
  • Maintenance: Extracted generic lock / unlock views from page lock / unlock views (Sage Abdullah)
  • Maintenance: Move identity JavaScript util into shared utils folder (LB (Ben Johnston))
  • Maintenance: Remove unnecessary declaration of function to determine URL query params, instead use URLSearchParams (Loveth Omokaro)
  • Maintenance: Update tsconfig to better support modern TypeScript development and clean up some code quality issues via Eslint (Loveth Omokaro)
  • Maintenance: Set up Stimulus application initialisation according to RFC 78 (LB (Ben) Johnston)
  • Maintenance: Refactor submit-on-change search filters for image and document listings to use Stimulus (LB (Ben) Johnston)
  • Maintenance: Switch userbar to initialise a Web Component to avoid styling clashes (Albina Starykova)
  • Maintenance: Refactor userbar stylesheets to use the same CSS loading as the rest of the admin (Albina Starykova)
  • Maintenance: Remove unused search-bar and button-filter styles (Thibaud Colas)
  • Maintenance: Use util method to construct dummy requests in tests (Jake Howard)
  • Maintenance: Remove unused dev-only react-axe integration (Thibaud Colas)
  • Maintenance: Migrate accessible Skip Link implementation to a Stimulus controller (Loveth Omokaro)
  • Maintenance: Split up wagtail.admin.panels into submodules, existing exports have been preserved (Matt Westcott)
  • Maintenance: Refactor userbar styles to use the same stylesheet as other components (Thibaud Colas)
  • Maintenance: Add deprecation warnings for wagtail.core and other imports deprecated in Wagtail 3.0 (Matt Westcott)
  • Maintenance: Migrate admin upgrade notification message implementation to a Stimulus controller (Loveth Omokaro)
  • Maintenance: Migrate workflow and workflow tasks enable action and lock/unlock actions to a Stimulus controller (Loveth Omokaro)
  • Maintenance: Pull out icon sprite setup function from inline script to its own TypeScript file & add unit tests (Loveth Omokaro)
  • Maintenance: Upgraded Transifex configuration to v3 (Loic Teixeira)
  • Maintenance: Replace repeated HTML avatar component with a template tag include {% avatar ... %} throughout the admin interface (Aman Pandey)

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