pypi ultralytics 8.2.43
v8.2.43 - `ultralytics 8.2.43` enable `classes` filter for end2end models (#13971)

latest releases: 8.2.49, 8.2.48, 8.2.47...
8 days ago

🌟 Summary

Ultralytics has released version 8.2.43, bringing in improvements and new additions mostly focused on predictive functionality and innovative ways to process and display predictions.

📊 Key Changes

  • Install Requirements Update: Added pytest-cov to the pip install command.
  • Prediction Enhancements:
    • Added augment settings (save_txt, save_crop, augment) in model prediction.
    • Improved handling of augmented predictions and warnings for unsupported configurations.
  • Non-Max Suppression: Introduced rotated parameter for Oriented Bounding Boxes (OBB).
  • Mask Processing: Adjusted threshold for mask processing from 0.5 to 0.0.
  • Label Positioning:
    • Enhanced text label fitting and positioning to ensure labels don't overlap or extend beyond image boundaries.

🎯 Purpose & Impact

  • More Robust Testing: Including pytest-cov enhances code testing with better coverage reporting, leading to more reliable software.
  • Enhanced Prediction Flexibility: New augment settings in model.predict facilitate more detailed and varied output, aiding in diverse application scenarios.
  • ** Warning Visibility**: Clearer warning messages provide better understanding about what functionalities are or aren't supported, reducing user confusion.
  • Optimized Non-Max Suppression: The rotated parameter enables better handling of complex bounding boxes, extending model applicability.
  • Accurate Mask Processing: Adjusting the mask threshold ensures all relevant masks are considered, improving accuracy in image segmentation tasks.
  • Clearer Visualization: Improvements to label positioning prevent overlaps and ensure that labels are displayed properly, making visual outputs more readable and professional.

These updates collectively enhance the usability, accuracy, and robustness of the Ultralytics software, benefiting both developers and end-users. 🚀🔍

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