pypi ultralytics 8.2.42
v8.2.42 - `ultralytics 8.2.42` NVIDIA TensorRT 10 default (#13943)

latest releases: 8.2.49, 8.2.48, 8.2.47...
11 days ago

🌟 Summary

Release v8.2.42 of Ultralytics brings several critical updates to enhance the performance, security, and flexibility of the YOLO models, including Dockerfile improvements, support for OpenVINO C++ inference, and improved package dependencies.


📊 Key Changes

  • Dockerfile Updates:
    • PyTorch CUDA version updated from 2.2.2 to 2.3.1.
    • Package installation improvements, switching nvidia-tensorrt to tensorrt.
    • Added unzip package for better compatibility.
  • YOLOv10 Documentation:
    • Enhanced examples with Python and CLI commands for better usability.
  • OpenVINO Integration:
    • Added support for YOLOv8 inference in C++ using OpenVINO and OpenCV APIs, complete with build instructions and usage examples.
  • Dependency Management:
    • Updated dependency checks and installations to ensure compatibility with the latest packages.
    • Improved handling of TensorRT and other dependencies in different environments.
  • Bug Fixes & Enhancements:
    • Fixes for the loss function computation to handle bounding boxes correctly.

🎯 Purpose & Impact

  • Improved Performance:
    • Upgrading to PyTorch 2.3.1 with updated packages will leverage the latest performance and security enhancements.
  • Better Compatibility:
    • Adding the unzip package and refining package installations improves overall compatibility and setup processes on various systems.
  • Developer Flexibility:
    • The addition of the YOLOv8 OpenVINO C++ examples allows developers to integrate and leverage powerful YOLO models in their C++ projects, offering more flexibility and performance tuning options.
  • Enhanced Usability:
    • Detailed documentation for running YOLOv10 models via Python and CLI facilitates ease of use for both new and experienced users.
  • Security and Stability:
    • Ensuring that all packages are up-to-date reduces the risk of vulnerabilities and promotes more stable deployments.

This release is a significant step towards making the YOLO models more robust, easier to use, and performant in various environments. 🚀

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v8.2.41...v8.2.42

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