pypi tweepy 4.0.0

latest releases: 4.14.0, 4.13.0, 4.12.1...
2 years ago

Major New Features / Improvements

  • Support Twitter API v2 (#1472, #1535)

    • Replace API v1.1 models in package namespace
  • Rework media uploading (#640, #1486, #1501)

  • Support asynchronous streaming (#732, #1491)

  • Rework API

    • Replace bind_api and APIMethod with API.request
      • Stop using property decorators for API methods
      • Use pagination decorator
    • Add requests.Session instance as API.session attribute (2f28757)
      • Initialize a single requests.Session instance per API instance, rather than for each request
    • Log warning when API.request is passed an unexpected keyword argument that isn't an endpoint parameter (c82d7ac)
    • Rename allowed parameters (allowed_param) to endpoint parameters (endpoint_parameters) (b4fc6a0)
    • Rename methods and method parameters (see Breaking Changes section)
    • Require parameters for methods (see Breaking Changes section)
    • Stop allowing arbitrary positional arguments for methods (see Breaking Changes section)
    • Remove unnecessary attributes and parameters (see Breaking Changes section)
    • Improve, optimize, and simplify API.request and other API methods
  • Rework streaming

    • StreamListener has been merged into Stream (see Breaking Changes section)
    • Stream data/event handling methods (i.e. those starting with on_) now log by default and disregard return values
    • Allow the stream to disconnect when any line of data is received, including keep-alive signals (#773, #897)
    • Remove, rename, and replace attributes, methods, and parameters (see Breaking Changes section)
    • Improve, optimize, and simplify Stream
  • Rework documentation

    • Automatically use docstrings for documentation
    • Use NumPy style docstrings
    • Use Intersphinx linking
    • Add tooltips for cross references using sphinx-hoverxref
    • Document Stream (18a6059)
    • Document models (0724060, 78a0c22)
    • Document pagination (695d531, 652fece)
    • Add table for API documentation (6db8e4c)
    • Separate documentation for exceptions (8a831b1)
    • Move changelog to documentation (fc98629)
    • Update, improve, and organize documentation
  • Rework exceptions

Breaking Changes

  • Drop support for Python 2 (#1253, #1482)
  • Drop support for Python 3.5 (#1487)


  • Rename API and models methods
    • API.blocks -> API.get_blocks (9541794)
    • API.blocks_ids -> API.get_blocked_ids (e241ca4)
    • API.destroy_direct_message -> API.delete_direct_message (2731fc9)
      • DirectMessage.destroy -> DirectMessage.delete (2731fc9)
    • API.favorites -> API.get_favorites (3c467da)
    • API.followers -> API.get_followers (ce768d9)
    • API.followers_ids -> API.get_follower_ids (fa5e7c4)
      • models.User.followers_ids -> models.User.follower_ids (fa5e7c4)
    • API.friends -> API.get_friends (6f3fccb)
    • API.friends_ids -> API.get_friend_ids (bab3e5e)
    • API.friendships_incoming -> API.incoming_friendships (007bd07)
    • API.friendships_outgoing -> API.outgoing_friendships (1400065)
    • API.geo_search -> API.search_geo (6f4fb39)
    • API.list_direct_messages -> API.get_direct_messages (ff1186f)
    • API.list_members -> API.get_list_members (5845f02)
    • API.list_subscribers -> API.get_list_subscribers (a05b630)
    • API.lists_all -> API.get_lists (458e0e8)
    • API.lists_memberships -> API.get_list_memberships (9dddc12)
      • models.User.lists_memberships -> models.User.list_memberships (9dddc12)
    • API.lists_subscriptions -> API.get_list_subscriptions (51945a7)
      • models.User.lists_subscriptions -> models.User.list_subscriptions (51945a7)
    • API.mutes -> API.get_mutes (744edc2)
    • API.mutes_ids -> API.get_muted_ids (ea26a29)
    • API.retweeters -> API.get_retweeter_ids (588c342)
    • API.retweets -> API.get_retweets (3b3ba24)
    • API.retweets_of_me -> API.get_retweets_of_me (737bd0b)
    • API.saved_searches -> API.get_saved_searches (8b39f74)
    • -> API.search_tweets (7fac253)
    • API.show_friendship -> API.get_friendship (ee9ea2e)
    • API.show_list_member -> API.get_list_member (431ab15)
    • API.show_list_subscriber -> API.get_list_subscriber (bf26301)
    • API.statuses_lookup -> API.lookup_statuses (#477)
    • API.trends_available -> API.available_trends (68b33d7)
    • API.trends_closest -> API.closest_trends (2e18162)
    • API.trends_place -> API.get_place_trends (4912a7c)
    • API.update_with_media -> API.update_status_with_media (0a5e533)
  • Rename API method parameters
    • API.geo_id: id -> place_id (78051e8)
    • API.lookup_friendships: screen_names -> screen_name (4573b35), user_ids -> user_id (3bcccf8)
    • API.lookup_statuses: id_ -> id (f13a34b)
    • API.lookup_users: screen_names -> screen_name (17a2e7c), user_ids -> user_id (e7d9e55)
    • API.search_30_day: environment_name -> label (6c66c60)
    • API.search_full_archive: environment_name -> label (295bfe4)
    • API.update_profile_image: file_ -> file (69f6c1d)
  • Require API method parameters
    • API.closest_trends: lat, long (75b9616)
    • API.create_favorite: id (d3d2abe)
    • API.create_list: name (5e7385a)
    • API.create_saved_search: query (c57a4be)
    • API.delete_direct_message: id (bcb56ab)
    • API.destroy_favorite: id (a9d41b6)
    • API.get_direct_message: id (f5775ee)
    • API.get_oembed: url (af0cc51)
    • API.get_place_trends: id (c50f540)
    • API.get_retweeter_ids: id (66f6704)
    • API.get_status: id (bac73c3)
    • API.reverse_geocode: lat, long (87d8646)
    • API.search_30_day: query (52874b7)
    • API.search_full_archive: query (801f15d)
    • API.search_tweets: q (9377e7e)
    • API.search_users: q (21802f9)
    • API.update_status: status (f64c076)
    • API.update_status_with_media: status (0726263)
  • Stop allowing positional arguments for API methods (change to be keyword-only arguments):
    • API.add_list_member (ae18ee5)
    • API.add_list_members (8eb900f)
    • API.available_trends (7a74863)
    • API.closest_trends, besides lat and long (7946490)
    • API.create_block (caa34c6)
    • API.create_favorite, besides id (0b83984)
    • API.create_friendship (82cd798)
    • API.create_list, besides name (25cb01e)
    • API.create_mute (4aae710)
    • API.create_saved_search, besides query (76be2d9)
    • API.delete_direct_message, besides id (53ca00f)
    • API.destroy_block (c49cfb2)
    • API.destroy_favorite, besides id (8afee87)
    • API.destroy_friendship (b2d44fe)
    • API.destroy_list (4b2cfc4)
    • API.destroy_mute (009b54e)
    • API.destroy_saved_search, besides id (b7afca2)
    • API.destroy_status, besides id (876c8ca)
    • API.geo_id, besides place_id (a0cff22)
    • API.get_blocked_ids (ff38b70)
    • API.get_blocks (dc81854)
    • API.get_direct_message, besides id (4ae0ec8)
    • API.get_direct_messages (8e0507d)
    • API.get_favorites (e80b49a)
    • API.get_follower_ids (7d42597)
    • API.get_followers (c6ab5a0)
    • API.get_friend_ids (c65641b)
    • API.get_friends (e6965fa)
    • API.get_friendship (6dea7de)
    • API.get_list (92dc37f)
    • API.get_list_member (0af06db)
    • API.get_list_members (7c8be8d)
    • API.get_list_memberships (ec7601f)
    • API.get_list_subscriber (a175cdd)
    • API.get_list_subscribers (3ee84ef)
    • API.get_list_subscriptions (178d719)
    • API.get_lists (3cd0058)
    • API.get_muted_ids (2967104)
    • API.get_mutes (9e9d370)
    • API.get_oembed, besides url (d13d853)
    • API.get_place_trends, besides id (548810c)
    • API.get_retweeter_ids, besides id (9907c25)
    • API.get_retweets, besides id (0bd0292)
    • API.get_retweets_of_me (2b2ed0a)
    • API.get_saved_search, besides id (1d3d3ae)
    • API.get_saved_searches (c5f5b4b)
    • API.get_settings (2c2f0ec)
    • API.get_status, besides id (30af3ac)
    • API.get_user (6b761ce)
    • API.home_timeline (b91be22)
    • API.incoming_friendships (6d3b7f2)
    • API.list_timeline (e3ec5c1)
    • API.lookup_friendships (0eff951)
    • API.lookup_statuses, besides id (cf9845d)
    • API.lookup_users (7317109)
    • API.media_upload, besides filename (ec2498f)
    • API.mentions_timeline (3614ce4)
    • API.outgoing_friendships (09f8504)
    • API.rate_limit_status (b4b91c1)
    • API.remove_list_member (e7fa800)
    • API.remove_list_members (593ef1c)
    • API.report_spam (f55efcf)
    • API.retweet, besides id (4f7be88)
    • API.reverse_geocode: besides lat and long (b209c48)
    • API.search_30_day, besides label and query (434fd35)
    • API.search_full_archive, besides label and query (44391bc)
    • API.search_geo (0a6bec9)
    • API.search_tweets, besides q (445da4e)
    • API.search_users, besides q (76ca416)
    • API.send_direct_message, besides recipient_id and text (7d1a549)
    • API.set_settings (bf1d928)
    • API.supported_languages (2034efc)
    • API.subscribe_list (ee3b718)
    • API.unretweet, besides id (4626c42)
    • API.unsubscribe_list (2df2311)
    • API.update_list (8b3b4fb)
    • API.update_profile (99cd815)
    • API.update_profile_banner, besides filename (1ca22be)
    • API.update_profile_image, besides filename (3539fa2)
    • API.update_status, besides status (761cbfe)
    • API.update_status_with_media, besides filename and status (0ac4e83)
    • API.user_timeline (0ef964f)
  • Reorder API.update_status_with_media parameters (87abdcd)
  • Rename API initialization parameter: auth_handler -> auth (ee313bd)
  • Stop allowing positional arguments besides auth for API initialization (da2f276)
  • Remove API.api_root and API.upload_root (e757919)
  • Remove API.compression (4590c7a)
  • Remove, AuthHandler.get_username, and OAuthHandler.get_username (807f937)
  • Remove API.search_host and API.search_root (92db0cf)
  • Remove API.wait_on_rate_limit_notify (f325738)
    • Always log warning when rate limit reached
  • Remove map_ keyword argument aliasing for API.lookup_statuses (0a404c3)


  • Remove and replace StreamListener by merging it into Stream (39abff4)
    • StreamListener.keep_alive -> Stream.on_keep_alive (abf4d5d)
    • StreamListener.on_connect -> Stream.on_connect
    • StreamListener.on_data -> Stream.on_data
    • StreamListener.on_delete -> Stream.on_delete
    • StreamListener.on_disconnect -> Stream.on_disconnect_message (6c3b997)
    • StreamListener.on_error -> Stream.on_request_error (fe3bb8b)
    • StreamListener.on_exception -> Stream.on_exception
    • StreamListener.on_limit -> Stream.on_limit
    • StreamListener.on_scrub_geo -> Stream.on_scrub_geo
    • StreamListener.on_status -> Stream.on_status
    • StreamListener.on_status_withheld -> Stream.on_status_withheld
    • StreamListener.on_timeout -> Stream.on_connection_error (8f62297)
    • StreamListener.on_user_withheld -> Stream.on_user_withheld
    • StreamListener.on_warning -> Stream.on_warning
  • Remove Stream.api (21a9db2)
  • Remove Stream.body (3e40193)
  • Remove Stream.headers (d07af4e)
  • Remove (9cf8518)
  • Remove Stream.new_session (26518ab)
  • Remove Stream.timeout (a2f79f1)
  • Remove Stream.url (48cbf97)
  • Remove Stream parameters and attributes for reconnect wait times (24059d4)
    • Remove Stream.retry_time_start, Stream.retry_420_start, Stream.retry_time_cap, Stream.snooze_time_step, Stream.snooze_time_cap, Stream.retry_time, and Stream.snooze_time
  • Rename Stream.retry_count to Stream.max_retries (3585f13)
  • Replace Stream.auth with parameters and attributes for each credential (c9f59e6)
    • Replace Stream.auth with Stream.consumer_key, Stream.consumer_secret, Stream.access_token, and Stream.access_token_secret
  • Replace Stream parameter, proxies, with proxy (#1272)
  • Remove Stream.filter parameter: encoding (b3f2db2)
  • Rename Stream.filter and Stream.sample parameters: is_async -> threaded (6c96c15)
  • Stop allowing positional arguments for Stream.filter (0629d5f)
  • Stop allowing positional arguments for Stream.sample (b170720)

Twitter API Breaking Changes

  • Remove API.configuration (#1614)
  • Remove API.geo_similar_places (c6cfd97)
  • Remove API.related_results (068273b)
  • Remove id endpoint parameter for API.create_block (e4eaa4b)
  • Remove id endpoint parameter for API.create_friendship (6a3c1ab)
  • Remove id endpoint parameter for API.create_mute (bb25d69)
  • Remove id endpoint parameter for API.destroy_block (1a9b52d)
  • Remove id endpoint parameter for API.destroy_friendship (66f1612)
  • Remove id endpoint parameter for API.destroy_mute (8c444c5)
  • Remove id endpoint parameter for API.get_follower_ids (5cddd12)
  • Remove id endpoint parameter for API.get_followers (a3fb959)
  • Remove id endpoint parameter for API.get_friend_ids(7cbf818)
  • Remove id endpoint parameter for API.get_friends (6875e15)
  • Remove id endpoint parameter for API.get_user (a2681ed)
  • Remove accuracy and contained_within endpoint parameters for API.search_geo (d37a409)
  • Remove allow_contributor_request endpoint parameter for API.set_settings (1cc33b2)
  • Update API.update_profile_banner endpoint parameters: offset_right -> offset_top (83f9b79)
  • Remove enable_dmcommands and fail_dmcommands parameters for API.update_status (fe5b3ef)
  • Remove in_reply_to_status_id_str and auto_populate_reply_metadata endpoint parameters for API.update_status_with_media (c3c9d29)
  • Remove id endpoint parameter for API.user_timeline (#1484)
  • Remove Stream.firehose (ad50cdc)
  • Remove Stream.retweet(6b1944b)
  • Remove Stream.sitestream and Stream.userstream (96f7e63)
    • Remove StreamListener.on_direct_message and StreamListener.on_friends (ab2479b)
    • Remove StreamListener.on_event (20b5afb)


  • Datetime objects for models.List.created_at, models.SavedSearch.created_at, models.Status.created_at, and models.User.created_at are now aware (59d4d92)
  • Change return_cursors parameter for JSONParser.parse and ModelParser.parse to be keyword-only argument (56b8e31)
  • Remove method parameter from parse method for Parser and its subclasses (dda2ec6)
  • Remove handling of 401 HTTP status code in API.verify_credentials (7e4d2a4)
  • Remove models.List.is_member and models.List.is_subscribed (b765aee)

New Features / Improvements

New Methods And Parameters / Attributes

  • Add API.get_list_ownerships (#1282, #1498)
    • Add models.User.list_ownerships (#1282)
  • Add API.get_profile_banner (58ac8bb)
  • Add API.no_retweets_friendships (496a399)
  • Add API.remove_profile_banner (f0e53c6)
  • Add API.update_friendship (ddd24a4)
  • Add API.user_agent (bbec64b)
  • Add endpoint parameters for API methods:
    • API.create_block: include_entities, skip_status (5e694b2)
    • API.create_favorite: include_entities (65c7ce7)
    • API.destroy_block: include_entities, skip_status (7299362)
    • API.destroy_favorite: include_entities (ecd19f0)
    • API.destroy_status: trim_user (ed363e6)
    • API.get_blocked_ids: stringify_ids (316b4cc)
    • API.get_blocks: include_entities, skip_status (7ef1e85)
    • API.get_favorites: include_entities (2b91edc)
    • API.get_follower_ids: stringify_ids (c490027)
    • API.get_friend_ids: stringify_ids, count (aba327e)
    • API.get_list_member: include_entities, skip_status (e959787)
    • API.get_list_members: count, include_entities, skip_status (232fa29)
    • API.get_list_subscriber: include_entities, skip_status (783941a)
    • API.get_muted_ids: stringify_ids (8b04108)
    • API.get_retweeter_ids: count (71ca488)
    • API.get_retweets: trim_user (e377188)
    • API.get_retweets_of_me: trim_user, include_entities, include_user_entities (589d97d)
    • API.get_user: include_entities (485691d)
    • API.incoming_friendships: stringify_ids (ffb7c0e)
    • API.media_upload: media_category, additional_owners (#1486)
    • API.mentions_timeline: trim_user, include_entities (eb7c8f6)
    • API.outgoing_friendships: stringify_ids (7ed0762)
    • API.retweet: trim_user (70d9665)
    • API.search_users: include_entities (8d64b61)
    • API.unretweet: trim_user (6d93f3b)
    • API.update_profile: include_entities, skip_status (9715c4a)
  • Add Stream.on_disconnect method (#277)
  • Expose Stream.thread (9c2419d)

New Functionality

  • Allow sending Quick Reply Options with Direct Messages (#1280)
    • Replace API.send_direct_message parameter, quick_reply_type, with quick_reply_options
  • Allow sending Call-To-Action buttons with Direct Messages in API.send_direct_message (#1311)

Documentation For Existing Methods

  • Document API.get_settings (cbac800)
  • Document API.incoming_friendships (09dbe0e)
  • Document API.outgoing_friendships (8ff5f22)
  • Document API.search_geo (a51a097)
  • Document API.set_settings (4703da3)
  • Document API.supported_languages (9bb8446)
  • Document API.update_profile_banner (a5df615)


  • Update requests_oauthlib dependency requirement to >= 1.0.0 (bf629e5)
  • Remove requests socks extra from install_requires (38b6de6)
    • Add socks extra requiring requests socks extra


  • Check consumer key and secret type when initializing OAuthHandler (#1489)
  • Make models.User hashable (#1306)
  • Reduce extra sleep time for rate limit handling for API (#1049)
  • Handle keyword arguments for API.update_profile_image (ab96f2f)
  • Handle keyword arguments for API.update_profile_banner (88c3fa1)
  • Treat all 2xx HTTP status codes as successful responses (a0f6984)
  • Support gevent for streaming (#651)
  • Return thread when using threaded Stream.filter and Stream.sample (2e957b6)
  • Use specific user agent for Stream (5994c4b)


  • Update and improve various documentation and tests
  • Various other optimizations and improvements

Bug Fixes

  • Handle connection errors when streaming (#237, #448, #750, #1024, #1113, #1416)
  • Remove dependence on string length delimitation in Stream (#892)
  • Stop reraising exceptions in Stream._connect (#1072)
  • Change Stream.sample method to use GET HTTP method (1b0e869)
  • Default to models.User model in models.Status.parse more broadly for user attribute to handle parsers without model_factory attribute or model factories without user attribute (#538)
  • Default to models.Status model in models.SearchResults.parse more broadly for results to handle parsers without model_factory attribute or model factories without status attribute (71c031b)
  • Start on page 1 for PageIterator (#958)
  • Handle Twitter API issue with duplicate pages for API.search_users (#958, #1465)
  • Allow integer IDs for Stream.filter (#829, #830)
  • Handle ChunkedEncodingError during streaming (e8fcc4d)
  • Handle Twitter API errors with successful HTTP status codes (#1427)
  • Handle initial negative or zero limits in Cursor iterators (c1457b7)

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