pypi torchaudio 0.6.0

latest releases: 2.3.0, 2.2.2, 2.2.1...
3 years ago


torchaudio now includes a new model module (with wav2letter included), new functionals (contrast, cvm, dcshift, overdrive, vad, phaser, flanger, biquad), datasets (GTZAN, CMU), and a new optional sox backend with support for torchscript. torchaudio now also supports Windows, with the soundfile backend.

torchaudio requires python 3.6 or more recent.

Backwards Incompatible Changes

  • We reorganized the C++ resources (#630) and replaced C++ bindings for sox_effects init/list/shutdown with torch binding (#748).
  • We removed code specific to python 2 (#691), and we no longer tests against python 2 (#575) and 3.5 (#577)

New Features

  • We now support Windows. (#604, #637, #642, #655, #743)
  • We now have a model module which includes wav2letter. (#462, #722)
  • We added the GTZAN and CMU datasets. (#668, #710)
  • We now have the contrast functional (#551), cvm (#540), dcshift (#558), overdrive (#569), vad (#578, #599), phaser (#587, #607, #702), flanger (#651, #702), biquad (#661).
  • We added a new sox_io backend (#718, #728, #734, #727, #763, #752, #731, #732, #726, #780) that is compatible with torchscript with a new AudioMetaData class (#761).
  • MelSpectrogram now has power and normalized parameters (#633), and slaney normalization (#589, #641).
  • lfilter now has a clamp option. (#600)
  • Griffin-Lim can now have zero momentum. (#601)
  • sliding_window_cmn now supports batching. (#570)
  • Downloaded datasets now verify checksums. (#499)


  • We added ogg/vorbis/opus support to binary distribution (#750, #755).
  • We replaced the use of torch.norm in spectrogram to improve performance (#747).
  • We now use fused operations in lfilter for faster computation. (#517, #564)
  • STFT is now called directly from torchaudio. (#531)
  • We redesigned the backend mechanism to support torchscript, by restructuring the code (#695, #696, #700, #706, #707, #698), adding dynamic listing (#697)
  • torchaudio can be built along with sox, or can use external sox. (#625, #669, #739)
  • We redesigned the sox_effects module. (#708)
  • We added more details to compilation instructions. (#667)
  • We updated the README with instructions on changing the backend. (#553)
  • We now have a version compatibility matrix in README. (#685)
  • We now use cmake to build third party libraries (#753).
  • We now use CircleCI instead of travis (#576, #584, #598, #603, #636, #738) and we test on GPU (#586, #777).
  • We run the test suite against nightlies. (#538, #678)
  • We redesigned our test suite: with new helper functions (#514, #519, #521, #565, #616, #690, #692, #694), standard pytorch test utilities (#513, #640, #643, #645, #646, #652, #650, #712), separated CPU and GPU tests (#513, #528, #644), more descriptive names (#532), clearer organization (#539, #541, #542, #664, #672, #687, #703, #716, #732), standardized name (#559), and backend aware (#719). This is detailed in a new README for testing (#566, #759).
  • We now support typing, for datasets (#511, #522), for backends (#527), for init (#526), and inline (#530), with mypy configuration (#524, #544, #590).

Bug Fixes

  • We removed in place operations so that Griffin-Lim can be backpropagated through. (#730)
  • We fixed kaldi MFCC on GPU. (#681)
  • We removed multiple definitions of SoxEffect in C++. (#635)
  • We fixed the docstring of masking. (#612)
  • We replaced views by reshape for batching. (#594)
  • We fixed missing conda environment when testing in python 3.8. (#582)
  • We ensure that sox is not exposed in windows. (#579)
  • We corrected the instructions to install nightlies. (#547, #552)
  • We fix the seed of mask_along_iid. (#529)
  • We correctly report GPU tests as skipped instead of passed. (#516)


  • Since sox_effects is now automatically initialized and shutdown (#572, #693), we are deprecating these functions (#709).
  • ISTFT is migrating to torch. (#523)

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