pypi spacy 3.1.3
v3.1.3: Bug fixes and UX updates

latest releases: 3.7.5, 4.0.0.dev3, 3.7.4...
2 years ago

✨ New features and improvements

  • The v3 of WandbLogger now supports optional run_name and entity parameters.
  • Improved UX when providing invalid pos values for a Doc or Token.

🔴 Bug fixes

  • Fix issue #9001: Pass alignments to Matcher callbacks.
  • Fix issue #9009: Include component factories in third-party dependencies resolver.
  • Fix issue #9012: Correct type of config in create_pipe.
  • Fix issue #9014: Allow typer 0.4 to provide support for both Click 7 and Click 8.
  • Fix issue #9033: Fix verbs list for French tokenizer exceptions.
  • Fix issue #9059: Pass overrides to subcommands in spacy project workflows.
  • Fix issue #9074: Improve UX around repo and path arguments in spacy project.
  • Fix issue #9084: Fix inference of epoch_resume in spacy pretrain.
  • Fix issue #9163: Handle spacy-legacy in spacy package dependency detection.
  • Fix issue #9211: Include only runtime-relevant dependencies in spacy package.

📖 Documentation and examples

  • Various updates to the documentation.
  • Few additions and updates to the spaCy universe.
  • Extended the developer documentation with information about the listener pattern, the StringStore and the Vocab.

👥 Contributors

@adrianeboyd, @davidefiocco, @davidstrouk, @filipematos95, @honnibal, @ines, @j-frei, @Joozty, @kwhumphreys, @mjhajharia, @mylibrar, @polm, @rspeer, @shigapov, @svlandeg, @thomashacker

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