pypi skl2onnx 1.5.0

latest releases: 1.17.0, 1.16.0, 1.15.0...
5 years ago

skl2onnx version 1.5.0 is now available! This version features ONNX Opset 10 support, increased test and operator coverage, improved documentation, and a new way to write converters.

How do I install the latest skl2onnx package?

pip install skl2onnx --upgrade

Highlights since the last release

  • Update package version and onnxconverter-common dependency to 1.5.0 (#177)
  • New way to write converters based on OnnxOperators (#128)
  • Clean OnnxOperator before converting into ONNX (#149)
  • Increase operator coverage for SciKitLearn
    • Fixed multi-class LR with intercept set to None (#135)
    • Fixes #113, convert OneVsRestClassifier multilabel (#142)
    • Supports passthrough and remainder='passthrough' for ColumnTransformer converter (#152)
    • Support int features in linear and non-linear regressor converter(s) (#154, #157)
    • Fixes #147, fix probabilities when multi_class == 'multinomial' (#150)
  • ONNX Opset 10 updates
    • Fixed slice op to align with opset 10 changes (#116)
    • Update CountVectorizer and TfidfVectorizer (#111)
    • Updated TopK node to align with changes in opset 10 (#91)
  • Extend documentation, clarify error messages
    • Follow Pep8 conventions (#141, #143, #144, #145)
    • Better exceptions, better error message, extend documentation (#146)
  • Increase test coverage
    • Added SGDClassifier converter unit tests (#138)
    • Handle scikit-learn dev version when using StrictVersion in tests (#139)
    • Added unit tests to increase coverage (#140, #170)
    • Add unit tests for (#161)
    • Fix issues raised by scikit-learn 0.22. (#175)

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