pypi shap 0.31.0

latest releases: 0.46.0, 0.45.1, 0.45.0...
5 years ago

This release contains several new features and bug fixes:

  • GradientExplainer now supports TensorFlow 2.0.
  • We now do a lazy load of the plotting dependencies, which means a pip install no longer needs to also pull in matplotlib, skimage, and ipython. This should make installs much lighter, especially those that don't need plotting :)
  • Added a new BruteForceExplainer for easy testing and comparison on small problems.
  • Added a new partial_dependence_plot function. This function will be used to illustrate the close connections between partial dependence plots and SHAP values in future example notebooks.
  • Handle the multiclass case with no intercept in LinearExplainer courtesy of @gabrieltseng
  • Some extras_require options during the pip install courtesy of @AbdealiJK
  • Other small bug fixes and updates

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