- New decision_plot function courtesy of @floidgilbert
- Add alpha version of the new model agnostic PartitionExplainer
- ensure data is all on the same device for pytorch in DeepExplainer courtesy of @gabrieltseng
- fix lightgbm edge case issue courtesy of @imatiach-msft
- create binder setup for shap courtesy of @jamesmyatt
- Allow for multiple inputs in the gradient explainer courtesy of @gabrieltseng
- New KernelExplainer unit tests courtesy of @jorgecarleitao
- Add python 2/3 trove classifiers courtesy of @proinsias
- support for pyspark trees courtesy of @QuentinAmbard
- many other bug fixes courtesy of @rygu, @Kylecrif, @trams, @imatiach-msft, @yunchuankong, @invokermain, @lupusomniator, @satyarta, @jotsif, @parkerzf, @jaller94, @gabrieltseng, and others