pypi semgrep 1.92.0
Release v1.92.0

14 hours ago

1.92.0 - 2024-10-17


  • Pro: taint-mode: Semgrep has now basic support to track taint through callbacks,
    when they lead to a sink, e.g.:

    function unsafe_callback(x) {
      sink(x); // finding here now !
    function withCallback(val, callback) {
    withCallback(taint, unsafe_callback); (code-7476)
  • New subcommand dump-cst for tree-sitter languages available via semgrep show. This shows the concrete syntax tree for a given file. (code-7653)

  • Pro only: Updated C# parser supporting all versions of the language up to 13.0 (.NET 9) (saf-1610)

  • Added support for the Move-on-sui language! (sui)

  • Pro-only: semgrep test now supports the --pro flag to not only use pro languages
    but also run the tests with the --pro-intrafile engine flag. If a finding
    is detected only by the pro engine, please use proruleid: instead of ruleid:
    and if an OSS finding is actually a false positive for the pro engine, please
    add the prook: to your test annotation. (test_pro)


  • pro: dataflow: Fixed a bug that could cause a class constructor to not be analyzed
    in the correct dependency order, potentially leading to FNs. (code-7649)

  • Display an ✘ instead of a ✔ in the scan status print out when scanning with Semgrep OSS code
    is not enabled. (grow-422)

  • semgrep will no longer randomly segfault when --trace is on with -j > 2 (saf-1590)

  • Previously, semgrep fails when --trace-endpoint is specified, but --trace is not.

    Now, we relax this requirement a bit. In this case, we disable tracing, print out a warning, and continue to scan. (sms-550)

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