pypi semgrep 1.78.0
Release v1.78.0

3 days ago

1.78.0 - 2024-06-27


  • Matching of fully qualified type names in the metavariable-type operator has
    been improved. For example:

    from a.b import C
    x = C()

    The type of x will match both a.b.C and C.

      - pattern: $X = $Y()
      - metavariable-type:
          metavariable: $X
            - a.b.C  # or C
    ``` (code-7269)


  • Symbolic propagation now works on decorator functions, for example:

    x = foo
    @x() # this is now matched by pattern `@foo()`
    def test():
      pass (code-6634)
  • Fixed an issue where Python functions with annotations ending in endpoint,
    route, get, patch, post, put, delete, before_request or
    after_request (i.e., ones we associate with Flask) were incorrectly analyzed
    with the Code product in addition to the Secrets product when present in a file
    being ignored for Code analysis but included for Secrets. (scrt-609)

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