pypi semgrep 1.77.0
Release v1.77.0

latest release: 1.78.0
4 days ago

1.77.0 - 2024-06-24


  • Semgrep will now report the id of the organization associated with logged in users when reporting metrics in the language server (cdx-508)

  • Pro: taint-mode: Improved index-sensitive taint tracking for tuple/list (un)packing.

    Example 1:

     def foo():
         return ("ok", taint)
     def test():
          x, y = foo()
          sink(x)  # nothing, no FP
          sink(y)  # finding

    Example 2:

     def foo(t):
          (x, y) = t
          sink(x)  # nothing, no FP
          sink(y)  # finding
     def test():
          foo(("ok", taint)) (code-6935)
  • Adds traces to help debug the performance of tainting. To send the traces added in the PR, pass
    --trace and also set the environment variable SEMGREP_TRACE_LEVEL=trace. To send them to a
    local endpoint instead of our default endpoint, use --trace-endpoint. (saf-1100)


  • Fixed a bug in the generation of the control-flow graph for try statements that
    could e.g. cause taint to report false positives:

    def test():
        data = taint
            # Semgrep assumes that `clean` could raise an exception, but
            # even if it does, the tainted `data` will never reach the sink !
            data = clean(data)
        except Exception:
            raise Exception()
        # `data` must be clean here
        sink(data) # no more FP (flow-78)
  • The language server (and semgrep --experimental) should not report anymore errors from
    the server such as "cannot read property 'map' of undefined". (metrics_error)

  • Fixed a bug in the gemfile.lock parser which causes Semgrep to miss direct
    dependencies whose package name does not end in a version constraint. (sc-1568)

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