pypi semgrep 1.111.0
Release v1.111.0

one day ago

1.111.0 - 2025-03-04


  • Removed .semgrepignore file lookup using the SEMGREP_R2C_INTERNAL_EXPLICIT_SEMGREPIGNORE environment variable. This was used by semgrep-action which
    has been deprecated. (semgrep-action)


  • pro: Fixed bug that could prevent taint tracking from following a virtual call
    in JS/TS. (code-8065)
  • PRO: Restricted heuristic search of the Python module path to paths only under
    the project root to reduce inaccuracies in module resolution. This change
    mitigates the risk of resolving module specifiers to incorrect paths,
    particularly in cases involving common library names (e.g., django). (code-8146)
  • Fix the incorrect schema and analysis type in the JSON output of the secret
    findings when using the --gitlab-secrets flag. (scrt-833)

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