pypi semgrep 0.34.0
Release v0.34.0

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3 years ago

0.34.0 - 2020-12-09


  • Experimental support for matching multiple arguments in JS/TS. This is done with a 'spread metavariable' operator, that looks like $...ARGS.
  • Support for using ... inside a Golang switch statement.
  • Support for matching only the try, the catch, or the finally part of a try { } catch (e) { } finally { } construct in JS/TS.
  • Support for matching only the if () part of an if () { } construct in Java
  • Support for metavariables inside dictionary keys in Ruby. This looks like {..., $KEY: $VAL, ...}.
  • An experimental --json-stats flag. The stats output contains the number of files and lines of code scanned, broken down by language. It also contains profiling data broken down by rule ID. Please note that as this is an experimental flag, the output format is subject to change in later releases.
  • Regex-only rules can now use regex as their language. The previously used language none will keep working as well.


  • Matches are now truncated to 10 lines in Semgrep's output. This was done to avoid filling the screen with output when a rule captures a whole class or function. If you'd like to adjust this behavior, you can set the new --max-lines-per-finding option.
  • Fans of explicit & verbose code can now ignore findings with a // nosemgrep comment instead of the original // nosem. The two keywords have identical behavior.
  • Generic pattern matching is now 10-20% faster on large codebases.


  • Semgrep would crash when tens of thousands of matches were found for the same rule in one file. A new internally used semgrep-core flag named -max_match_per_file prevents these crashes by forcing a 'timeout' state when 10,000 matches are reached. Semgrep can then gracefully report what combination of rules and paths causes too much work.
  • semgrep --debug works again, and now outputs even more debugging information from semgrep-core. The new debugging output is especially helpful to discover which rules have too many matches.
  • A pattern that looks like $X & $Y will now correctly match bitwise AND operations in Ruby.
  • Metavariables can now capture the name of a class and match its occurrences later in the class definition.
  • Semgrep used to crash when a metavariable matched over text that cannot be read as UTF-8 text. Such matches will now try to recover what they can from apparent broken unicode text.

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