pypi semgrep 0.111.0
Release v0.111.0

latest releases: 1.77.0, 1.76.0, 1.75.0...
22 months ago

0.111.0 - 2022-08-22


  • Introduced experimental support for Swift (gh-2232)
  • Add configuration options for using a tree-sitter library installed anywhere
    on the system. (gh-5944)
  • Updated the supply chain finding API:
    • The API is now typed and defined entirely in semgrep_output_v0.atd
    • Supply chain findings now have only one dependency match, not a list, and only one resolved url
    • Supply chain findings now have a field called reachable and reachability_rule,
      which indicate if the finding is reachable, and whether or not it was generated
      by a reachability rule (rule that had a semgrep pattern)
    • Supply chain findings now include a schema version
    • The complete finding information sent to semgrep app now includes a mapping from lockfile
      paths to the number of dependencies that were present in that lockfile (sca-197)


  • When a YAML rule file had a string that contained an ISO timestamp, that would be parsed as a datetime object, which would then be rejected by Semgrep's rule schema validator. This is now fixed by keeping strings that contain an ISO timestamp as strings. (app-2157)

  • When parsing PHP with tree-sitter, parse $this similar to pfff, as an IdSpecial. This makes it possible to match $this when the pattern is parsed with pfff and the program with tree-sitter. (gh-5594)

  • Parse die() as exit() in tree-sitter PHP. This makes pfff and tree-sitter parse die() in the same way. (gh-5880)

  • All: Applied a fix so that qualified identifiers can unify with metavariables. Notably, this
    affected Python decorators, among others. (pa-1700)

  • Fixed a regression in DeepSemgrep after the experimental taint labels feature
    was introduced in 0.106.0. This prevented DeepSemgrep from reporting taint
    findings when e.g. the sink was wrapped by another function. (pa-1750)

  • Fixed metavariable unification in JSON when one of the patterns is a single field. (pa-1763)

  • Changed symbolic propagation such that "redundant" matches are no
    longer reported as findings. For instance:

    def foo():
      x = g(5)

    If we are looking for the pattern g(5), we should not match on line 3,
    since we will match on line 2 anyways, and this is just repeating information that
    we already know.

    This patch changes it so that we do not match on line 3 anymore. (pa-1772)

  • Semgrep now passes -j to DeepSemgrep engine so --deep became noticeably faster. (pa-1776)

  • taint-mode: Due to a mistake in the instantiation of a visitor, named function
    definitions were being analyzed twice! This is now fixed and you may observe
    significant speed ups in some cases. (pa-1778)

  • Extract mode: fixed a possible exception in normal usage introduced due to
    changes in handling of search/taint rules. (pa-1786)

  • Changed the fail-open message body (pm-194)

Infra/Release Changes

  • GHA Runner macos-12 is unreliable and has begun failing without
    a clear explanation as to why: this downgrades to macos-11,
    since 10.15 is to be depracted ~10 from now. (devop-609)
  • Keep the tree-sitter library inside a local folder rather than requiring
    a global installation. (gh-2956)

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