pypi semgrep 0.105.0
Release v0.105.0

latest releases: 1.74.0, 1.73.0, 1.72.0...
22 months ago

0.105.0 - 2022-07-20


  • Experimental LSP support for: metavariable inlay hints, hot reloading, App integation, scan commands, and much much more (cli-235)
  • Added a concatenation reduction for extract mode, so that disjoint snippets
    within a file can be treated as one unified file. (extract-reductions)
  • Extract mode: taint trace positions are now updated to correspond to the source
    file. (extract-taint-traces)
  • Extract mode: generic is now permitted as a languages value (pa-1648)
  • Added handling for EXPERIMENT severity to allow the ability to test rules as experiments. (rules-680)


  • Do not store time or skipped targets output unless requested. This reduces memory consumption significantly in large repos (pa-1618)
  • Reduce memory consumption of semgrep by passing the targets in a more condensed
    structure. Previously, we told semgrep which rules to run on which target by
    listing out all the rule_ids each target should run. Now, we have a separate
    rule_id list and for each target we only ilst the rule_id indices. On large
    repos, particularly when run with multiple processes, this has a significant
    impact. (pa-1618-2)


  • C#: Improved error message when function parameters are declared with var (gh-5068)

  • Scala/others: Added a fix allowing percolation of name information from class parameters

    For example, classes which take in arguments like the following in Scala:

    class ExampleClass(val x: TypeName) {

    do not properly enter the context. So in our analysis, we would not know that the identifier
    x has type TypeName, within the body of ExampleClass. (gh-5506)

  • Fixed the logged message describing the endpoint where rules are fetched from when SEMGREP_URL is set (gh-5753)

  • Fixed what data was used for indexing match results to used match based id data (index)

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