I am happy to announce Schemathesis 3.28 🎉
It does not include a lot of new features but instead clarifies error messages and makes Schemathesis work with more recursive references than before.
🚀 Added
helper methods to deserialize payloads to bytes from Base 64.- Support for
media type.
🔧 Changed
- Do not show suggestions to show a traceback on Hypothesis'
error. - Clarify error message on unsupported recursive references.
- Report more details on some internal errors instead of "Unknown Schema Error".
- Update error message on why Schemathesis can't generate test cases for some API operations.
🐛 Fixed
- Internal error on Windows when the CLI output is redirected to a file and code samples contain non-CP1252 characters.
- Properly check for nested recursive references inside combinators. This makes Schemathesis work with more schemas with recursive references.