pypi saspy 4.3.4

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21 months ago

[4.3.4] - 2022-10-05


  • None Nothing Added


  • Tweak I'm moving to a newer dev environment; newer OS version, newer Python version, and all the newer modules, ...
    Using Sphinx to build the doc fails with this newer version, so I've had to tweak and reworks things to get the doc to build
    with this newer version of evrerything. So, there were a lot of minor adjustments pushed to accomodate this. It's all working
    and, of course, requires no programming changes due to any of this. A plus is that now the index, shown on the left side of the
    page, finally has links to the individual methods, in the API section of the doc! This is a welcome enhancement.


  • Fix Fix for issue 480 was in the last version. That issue was a discrepency with how Python on MacOS works compared to
    any other operating system. I've had to implement workarounds for Mac Python for a number of issues in the past. This release
    has a couple more workarouds for problems with the Mac version of Python too. These are in the IOM access method, whereas the
    last versions fix was in the STDIO access method. Again, no programming changes required.

  • Fix All of the analytic methods correspond to some SAS Procedure. Each method is one analytic PROC. The code that generates
    the PROC syntax for all of tese methods is a bit convoluted. While fixing the method signatures for the doc building issues,
    last release, I noticed that if the USER librfer is assigned, then none of the analytic method work. I've worked through that code
    to resolve this, so in this release, that problem is fixed and they all work as they should have regardless of is USER is assigned
    or not.


  • None Nothing removed

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