pypi saspy 3.7.4

latest releases: 5.4.4, 5.4.3, 5.4.2...
3 years ago

This release has just two enhancements. The first is to support embedded quotes in SAS variable and table names. SAS supports this via the n-literal syntax (which SASPy has always used in it's code gen). For example: 'other"name'n or "other''name"n. or 'other''name'n
you can't tell here (embeded quotes are a pain everywhere), but some of those are 2 single quotes a some one double quote ... (took me 30 min just to get these examples to resolve in this editor!)

The n-literal syntax supports all kinds of things, not just quotes; blanks, special chars,...
So saspy has generated that syntax all along, but I misses the embedded quotes case and it tangles up parsing because they require special handling compared to anything else in the n-lit syntax (have to double single quotes, double quote single quotes, . bla bla bla).
So this version should handle all of this appropriately. Here's a SAS example using this:

data "cars''2"n; set rename=( Make='Make''s'n Model='Model"''s'n Cylinders="Cylinder''s"n horsepower="HP''s"n ) ); run;

For methods that take table or variable names explicitly, you can use Python string syntax to provide then; no need for the n-lit syntax; I generate the corect SAS code for those. But some methods take arbitrary string that are embedded directly into the code w/ no massaging from SASPy (no idea what the syntax is to be able to do so), so for those cases, you have to provide correct SAS (including n-literal as necessary) syntax yourself:

For known table or variable name just use Python string syntax for embedded quotes
cars = sas.sasdata("cars'2")

For arbitrary strings that are just included into the code, use SAS syntax
cars.where(''' "HP's"n > 400 ''').head()
stat_results = stat.reg(model=" 'hp''s'n = 'Cylinder''s'n EngineSize ",data=cars)

The other enhancement is is specific to Viya 4 (the HTTP access method), for authenticating to Viya. Originally user/pw were the only way. Right before SGF 2021, SSO (Single Sign On) was implemented which uses a client_it, client_secret and authcode, and a client_id/secret was created for SASPy which now ships w/ Viya 4, so all you actually need to do is just provide the authcode, which is like when you log onto a secure account and it text's you a code to type in to prove it's your, even though you've already authenticated, as an extra security mechanism. So that's already there. But what's new in this release is another variation on that.

The HTTP access to Viya 4 now support providing a JWT witch is an authentication token from other than SASLogon, which (if both systems are configured to share), can be used to acquire the SASLongon authentication token that is required for all API calls into Viya. This allows, for instance, an Azure ML instance to connect to Viya by providing the Azure auth token to saspy which then uses that (as opposed to user/pw or authcode) to get the SASLogon auth token. This config option is jwt= on the SASsesion() method. Support for passing a SASLogon token directly in is also available (meaning you've already somehow made calls to SASLogon yourself, or some other tool, and have a valid authtoken), via authtoken= on the SASsession() method. Both of these are really expected to be used under the covers by other tools/processes, but can be used by advanced users who can interface to the authenticating providers and acquire these tokens themselves directly.

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