pypi saspy 3.6.2

latest releases: 5.4.4, 5.4.3, 5.4.2...
3 years ago

This release just has a few fixes/enhancements. One fix is to the HTTP access method, disabling the encoding option. Unlike the other access methods, where saspy has to transcode everything between pythons utf-8 and the SAS session encoding, the HTTP API being used requires everything to be utf-8 and it transcodes to/from SAS session encoding. Easy fix for saspy, and it's in here in this release.
There's a new user contributed method, validvarname, which renames the columns of your dataframe to match the SAS 'validvarname' constraints for however that option is set. This would be used prior to passing that dataframe to df2sd(). So now if you have that set to a more restrictive value, you can use this method to convert your column names to be compliant. This is something Access Engines do, based up the option setting, when accessing database table, which allow names that don't comply.
There are a couple other fixes, one in COM to fix a case where only missing values in a numeric SAS data set becomes a char type in the dataframe instead of numeric when importing in sd2df(). And another to allow overrides for index_col= and engine=, also in sd2df. These had been hard coded in sd2df, but can not be user specified.

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