pypi saspy 3.3.6

latest releases: 5.4.4, 5.4.3, 5.4.2...
4 years ago

This release has fixes for a couple of issues (#293 #294 ) and some more tweaks to try to get more support for MacOS as a client. It adds an append() method to the SASdata object. It fixes an issue where the filename doesn't support binary socket transfer when SAS is running in DBCS mode; translated SAS sessions. That caused sd2df to fail, Also added support in the STDIO access method to handle Attention Handling in these other language SAS sessions too. Added support for allowing proc printto in a submit, to help support executing batch SAS scripts (.sas files). There is a new option on submit so saspy will submit a proc print 'undo' to set the log and lst back for saspy at the end of the submitted code. Added a section to the documentation to address this and other limitations or work arounds for special case code submissions. Also a fix in the HTTP access method for authenticating to Viya.

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