pypi reuse 5.0.0

latest releases: 5.0.2, 5.0.1
3 months ago

This is a big release for a small change set. With this release, the tool
becomes compatible with
REUSE Specification 3.3, which is a very
subtly improved release of the much bigger version 3.2.


  • More file types are recognised:
  • Added lint-file subcommand to enable running lint on specific files. (#1055)
  • Added shell completion via click. (#1084)
  • Added Jujutsu VCS support. (#TODO)
  • Added new copyright prefixes spdx-string, spdx-string-c, and
    spdx-string-symbol. (#979)
  • Support for Python 3.13. (#1092)


  • Bumped REUSE Specification version to
    version 3.3. (#1069)

  • Switched from argparse to click for handling the CLI. The CLI should still
    handle the same, with identical options and arguments, but some stuff changed
    under the hood. (#1084)

    Find here a small list of differences:

    • -h is no longer shorthand for --help.
    • --version now outputs "reuse, version X.Y.Z", followed by a licensing
      blurb on different paragraphs.
    • Some options are made explicitly mutually exclusive, such as annotate's
      --skip-unrecognised and --style, and download's --output and
    • Subcommands which take a list of things (files, license) as arguments, such
      as annotate, lint-file, or download, now also allow zero arguments.
      This will do nothing, but can be useful in scripting.
    • annotate and lint-file now also take directories as arguments. This will
      do nothing, but can be useful in scripting.
  • Changes to comment styles:

    • Allow Python-style comments in Cargo.lock files. (#1060)
    • .s files (GNU as) now use the C comment style. (#1034)
    • .ld files (GNU ld) now use the C comment style. (#1034)
  • REUSE.toml no longer needs a licensing header. (#1042)

  • .gitkeep is no longer ignored, because this is not defined in the
    specification. However, if .gitkeep is a 0-size file, it will remain ignored
    (because 0-size files are ignored). (#1043)

  • If REUSE.toml is ignored by VCS, the linter no longer parses this file.

  • SPDX license and exception list updated to v3.25.0.

  • More LICENSE and COPYING-like files are ignored. Now, such files suffixed
    by -anything are also ignored, typically something like LICENSE-MIT. Files
    with the UK spelling LICENCE are also ignored. (#1041)


  • Python 3.8 support removed. (#1080)


  • In REUSE.toml, fixed the globbing of a single asterisk succeeded by a slash
    (e.g. directory-*/ The glob previously did nothing. (#1078)
  • Increased the minimum requirement of attrs to >=21.3. Older versions do
    not import correctly. (#1044)
  • Performance greatly improved for projects with large directories ignored by
    VCS. (#1047)
  • Performance slightly improved for large projects. (#1047)
  • The plain output of lint has been slightly improved, getting rid of an
    errant newline. (#1091)
  • reuse annotate --merge-copyrights now works more reliably with copyright
    prefixes. This still needs some work, though. (#979)
  • In some scenarios, where a user has multiple REUSE.toml files and one of
    those files could not be parsed, the wrong REUSE.toml was signalled as being
    unparseable. This is now fixed. (#1047)
  • Fixed a bug where REUSE.toml did not correctly apply its annotations to
    files which have an accompanying .license file. (#1058)
  • When running reuse download SPDX-IDENTIFIER+, download SPDX-IDENTIFIER
    instead. This also works for reuse download --all. (#1098)

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