- Added Item Api
- Added RegistrationLink Api
- QR code end point API
- Update, cancel update ,fetch details of a Pending Update, pause, resume subscription & delete offer API
- Add create ondemand , fetch all demand, fetch demand by id & report for settlement
- Add/Delete TPV Bank Account
- Register emandate and charge first payment together
- PaperNACH/Register NACH and charge first payment together
- Added create recurring payment, fetch card details, card downtime & card downtime by Id , create payment json API's for payment
- Added edit and notify API's for payment links
- Added edit, refund, fetch multiple refund, fetch multiple refund by id API's for refunds
- Added edit order API
- Fund API's end point
- Added Verfiy payment link ,payment & subscription verification
- Update Testcases
- Update readme file