pypi pytorch-lightning 2.5.1
Lightning v2.5.1

8 days ago


PyTorch Lightning

  • Allow LightningCLI to use a customized argument parser class (#20596)
  • Change wandb default x-axis to tensorboard's global_step when sync_tensorboard=True (#20611)
  • Added a new checkpoint_path_prefix parameter to the MLflow logger which can control the path to where the MLflow artifacts for the model checkpoints are stored (#20538)
  • CometML logger was updated to support the recent Comet SDK (#20275)
  • bump: testing with latest torch 2.6 (#20509)
  • Fixed CSVLogger logging hyperparameter at every write which increases latency (#20594)
  • Fixed OverflowError when resuming from checkpoint with an iterable dataset (#20565)
  • Fixed swapped _R_co and _P to prevent type error (#20508)
  • Always call WandbLogger.experiment first in _call_setup_hook to ensure tensorboard logs can sync to wandb (#20610)
  • Fixed TBPTT example (#20528)
  • Fixed test compatibility as AdamW became a subclass of Adam (#20574)
  • Fixed file extension of model checkpoints uploaded by NeptuneLogger (#20581)
  • Reset trainer variable should_stop when fit is called (#19177)
  • Fixed making WandbLogger upload models from all ModelCheckpoint callbacks, not just one (#20191)
  • Error when logging to MLFlow deleted experiment (#20556)

Lightning Fabric

  • Added logging support for a list of dicts without collapsing to a single key (#19957)
  • bump: testing with latest torch 2.6 (#20509)
  • Removed legacy support for lightning run model; use fabric run instead. (#20588)

Full commit list: 2.5.0 -> 2.5.1


We thank all folks who submitted issues, features, fixes and doc changes. It's the only way we can collectively make Lightning ⚡ better for everyone, nice job!

In particular, we would like to thank the authors of the pull-requests above, in no particular order:

@benglewis, @Borda, @cgebbe, @duydl, @haifeng-jin, @japdubengsub, @justusschock, @lantiga, @mauvilsa, @millskyle, @ringohoffman, @ryan597, @senarvi, @TresYap

Thank you ❤️ and we hope you'll keep them coming!

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