pypi python-telegram-bot 13.8

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2 years ago

Version 13.8

Released 2021-11-08

This is the technical changelog for version 13.8. More elaborate release notes can be found in the news channel @pythontelegrambotchannel.

Major Changes:

  • Full support for API 5.4 (#2767)

Minor changes, CI improvements, Doc fixes and Type hinting:

  • Create Issue Template Forms (#2689)
  • Fix camelCase Functions in ExtBot (#2659)
  • Fix Empty Captions not Being Passed by Bot.copy_message (#2651)
  • Fix Setting Thumbs When Uploading A Single File (#2583)
  • Fix Bug in BasePersistence.insert/replace_bot for Objects with __dict__ not in __slots__ (#2603)

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