pypi python-dateutil 2.5.0

latest releases: 2.9.0.post0, 2.9.0, 2.8.2...
8 years ago
  • Updated zoneinfo to 2016a
  • zoneinfo_metadata file version increased to 2.0 - the updated
    script will work with older zoneinfo_metadata.json files, but new metadata
    files will not work with older versions. Additionally, we have
    started hosting our own mirror of the Olson databases on a github pages
    site ( (gh pr #183)
  • dateutil zoneinfo tarballs now contain the full zoneinfo_metadata file used
    to generate them. (gh issue #27, gh pr #85)
  • relativedelta can now be safely subclassed without derived objects reverting
    to base relativedelta objects as a result of arithmetic operations.
    (lp:1010199, gh issue #44, pr #49)
  • relativedelta 'weeks' parameter can now be set and retrieved as a property of
    relativedelta instances. (lp: 727525, gh issue #45, pr #49)
  • relativedelta now explicitly supports fractional relative weeks, days, hours,
    minutes and seconds. Fractional values in absolute parameters (year, day, etc)
    are now deprecated. (gh issue #40, pr #190)
  • relativedelta objects previously did not use microseconds to determine of two
    relativedelta objects were equal. This oversight has been corrected.
    Contributed by @elprans (gh pr #113)
  • rrule now has an xafter() method for retrieving multiple recurrences after a
    specified date. (gh pr #38)
  • str(rrule) now returns an RFC2445-compliant rrule string, contributed by
    @schinckel and @armicron (lp:1406305, gh issue #47, prs #50, #62 and #160)
  • rrule performance under certain conditions has been significantly improved
    thanks to a patch contributed by @dekoza, based on an article by Brian Beck
    (@exogen) (gh pr #136)
  • The use of both the 'until' and 'count' parameters is now deprecated as
    inconsistent with RFC2445 (gh pr #62, #185)
  • Parsing an empty string will now raise a ValueError, rather than returning the
    datetime passed to the 'default' parameter. (gh issue #78, pr #187)
  • tzwinlocal objects now have a meaningful repr() and str() implementation
    (gh issue #148, prs #184 and #186)
  • Added equality logic for tzwin and tzwinlocal objects. (gh issue #151,
    pr #180, #184)
  • Added some flexibility in subclassing timelex, and switched the default
    behavior over to using string methods rather than comparing against a fixed
    list. (gh pr #122, #139)
  • An issue causing tzstr() to crash on Python 2.x was fixed. (lp: 1331576,
    gh issue #51, pr #55)
  • An issue with string encoding causing exceptions under certain circumstances
    when tzname() is called was fixed. (gh issue #60, #74, pr #75)
  • Parser issue where calling parse() on dates with no day specified when the
    day of the month in the default datetime (which is "today" if unspecified) is
    greater than the number of days in the parsed month was fixed (this issue
    tended to crop up between the 29th and 31st of the month, for obvious reasons)
    (canonical gh issue #25, pr #30, #191)
  • Fixed parser issue causing fuzzy_with_tokens to raise an unexpected exception
    in certain circumstances. Contributed by @MichaelAquilina (gh pr #91)
  • Fixed parser issue where years > 100 AD were incorrectly parsed. Contributed
    by @Bachmann1234 (gh pr #130)
  • Fixed parser issue where commas were not a valid separator between seconds
    and microseconds, preventing parsing of ISO 8601 dates. Contributed by
    @ryanss (gh issue #28, pr #106)
  • Fixed issue with tzwin encoding in locales with non-Latin alphabets
    (gh issue #92, pr #98)
  • Fixed an issue where tzwin was not being properly imported on Windows.
    Contributed by @labrys. (gh pr #134)
  • Fixed a problem causing issues importing zoneinfo in certain circumstances.
    Issue and solution contributed by @alexxv (gh issue #97, pr #99)
  • Fixed an issue where dateutil timezones were not compatible with basic time
    objects. One of many, many timezone related issues contributed and tested by
    @labrys. (gh issue #132, pr #181)
  • Fixed issue where tzwinlocal had an invalid utcoffset. (gh issue #135,
    pr #141, #142)
  • Fixed issue with tzwin and tzwinlocal where DST transitions were incorrectly
    parsed from the registry. (gh issue #143, pr #178)
  • no longer suppresses certain OSErrors. Contributed by @bjamesv
    (gh pr #164)
  • An issue that arose when timezone locale changes during runtime has been
    fixed by @carlosxl and @mjschultz (gh issue #100, prs #107, #109)
  • Python 3.5 was added to the supported platforms in the metadata (@tacaswell
    gh pr #159) and the test suites (@moreati gh pr #117).
  • An issue with tox failing without unittest2 installed in Python 2.6 was fixed
    by @moreati (gh pr #115)
  • Several deprecated functions were replaced in the tests by @moreati
    (gh pr #116)
  • Improved the logic in Travis and Appveyor to alleviate issues where builds
    were failing due to connection issues when downloading the IANA timezone
    files. In addition to adding our own mirror for the files (gh pr #183), the
    download is now retried a number of times (with a delay) (gh pr #177)
  • Many failing doctests were fixed by @moreati. (gh pr #120)
  • Many fixes to the documentation (gh pr #103, gh pr #87 from @radarhere,
    gh pr #154 from @gpoesia, gh pr #156 from @awsum, gh pr #168 from @ja8zyjits)
  • Added a code coverage tool to the CI to help improve the library. (gh pr #182)
  • We now have a mailing list -, graciously hosted by

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