pypi python-amazon-sp-api 1.9.5

one day ago


Changes Relevant to End-Users

  • Vendor Shipments API Enhancement: Improved the documentation for submit_shipment_confirmations and submit_shipments methods in the VendorShipments class. The descriptions are now more concise and easier to understand, aiding developers in implementing shipment confirmations and requests more effectively.

Internal Changes

  • Code Cleanup: Removed unnecessary blank lines in the VendorShipments class to enhance code readability and maintainability.
  • Documentation Update: Added onerror attribute to image tags in the documentation templates to ensure fallback images are displayed if the original images fail to load.
  • Template IDs Update: Updated the list of template IDs in the documentation layout script to remove unused entries and streamline the selection process.

Mermaid Diagram Representation

graph TD;
    A[VendorShipments Class] -->|Improved Documentation| B[submit_shipment_confirmations];
    A -->|Improved Documentation| C[submit_shipments];
    A -->|Code Cleanup| D[Removed Blank Lines];
    E[Documentation Templates] -->|Added onerror Attribute| F[Image Tags];
    G[Documentation Layout Script] -->|Updated Template IDs| H[Template ID List];

These updates streamline the process of interacting with the Vendor Shipments API, making it more intuitive for developers to use the library, and improve the robustness of the documentation display.

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