pypi python-amazon-sp-api 1.9.14

latest releases: 1.9.17, 1.9.16, 1.9.15...
18 hours ago


Changes Relevant to End-Users

  • API Endpoint Update: The list_packing_group_items method in the FulfillmentInbound class now requires a packingGroupId parameter. This change ensures more precise retrieval of packing group items by specifying the packing group directly.

Internal Changes

  • Dependency Updates: Updated several dependencies to their latest versions for improved performance and security:
    • boto3 updated from 1.36.15 to 1.37.0
    • cachetools updated from 5.5.1 to 5.5.2

Mermaid Diagram Representation

graph TD;
    A[FulfillmentInbound Class] -->|Updated| B[list_packing_group_items Method];
    B -->|Added Parameter| C[packingGroupId];
    D[Dependencies] -->|Updated| E[boto3, cachetools];

This release includes an important API endpoint update for more precise data retrieval and updates to dependencies for enhanced stability and security.

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