pypi pytest 8.3.4

latest release: 8.3.5
3 months ago

pytest 8.3.4 (2024-12-01)

Bug fixes

  • #12592: Fixed KeyError{.interpreted-text role="class"} crash when using --import-mode=importlib in a directory layout where a directory contains a child directory with the same name.

  • #12818: Assertion rewriting now preserves the source ranges of the original instructions, making it play well with tools that deal with the AST, like executing.

  • #12849: ANSI escape codes for colored output now handled correctly in{.interpreted-text role="func"} with [pytrace=False]{.title-ref}.

  • #9353: pytest.approx{.interpreted-text role="func"} now uses strict equality when given booleans.

Improved documentation

  • #10558: Fix ambiguous docstring of pytest.Config.getoption{.interpreted-text role="func"}.

  • #10829: Improve documentation on the current handling of the --basetemp option and its lack of retention functionality (temporary directory location and retention{.interpreted-text role="ref"}).

  • #12866: Improved cross-references concerning the recwarn{.interpreted-text role="fixture"} fixture.

  • #12966: Clarify filterwarnings{.interpreted-text role="ref"} docs on filter precedence/order when using multiple @pytest.mark.filterwarnings <pytest.mark.filterwarnings ref>{.interpreted-text role="ref"} marks.

Contributor-facing changes

  • #12497: Fixed two failing pdb-related tests on Python 3.13.

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