pypi pyogrio 0.7.0
Version 0.7.0

latest releases: 0.10.0, 0.9.0, 0.8.0...
14 months ago


  • Support reading and writing datetimes with timezones (#253).
  • Support writing dataframes without geometry column (#267).
  • Calculate feature count by iterating over features if GDAL returns an
    unknown count for a data layer (e.g., OSM driver); this may have signficant
    performance impacts for some data sources that would otherwise return an
    unknown count (count is used in read_info, read, read_dataframe) (#271).
  • Add arrow_to_pandas_kwargs parameter to read_dataframe + reduce memory usage
    with use_arrow=True (#273)
  • In read_info, the result now also contains the total_bounds of the layer as well
    as some extra capabilities of the data source driver (#281).
  • Raise error if read or read_dataframe is called with parameters to read no
    columns, geometry, or fids (#280).
  • Automatically detect supported driver by extension for all available
    write drivers and addition of detect_write_driver (#270).
  • Addition of mask parameter to open_arrow, read, read_dataframe,
    and read_bounds functions to select only the features in the dataset that
    intersect the mask geometry (#285). Note: GDAL < 3.8.0 returns features that
    intersect the bounding box of the mask when using the Arrow interface for
    some drivers; this has been fixed in GDAL 3.8.0.
  • Removed warning when no features are read from the data source (#299).
  • Add support for force_2d=True with use_arrow=True in read_dataframe (#300).

Other changes

  • test suite requires Shapely >= 2.0

  • using skip_features greater than the number of features available in a data
    layer now returns empty arrays for read and an empty DataFrame for
    read_dataframe instead of raising a ValueError (#282).

  • enabled skip_features and max_features for read_arrow and
    read_dataframe(path, use_arrow=True). Note that this incurs overhead
    because all features up to the next batch size above max_features (or size
    of data layer) will be read prior to slicing out the requested range of
    features (#282).

  • The use_arrow=True option can be enabled globally for testing using the
    PYOGRIO_USE_ARROW=1 environment variable (#296).

Bug fixes

  • Fix int32 overflow when reading int64 columns (#260)
  • Fix fid_as_index=True doesn't set fid as index using read_dataframe with
    use_arrow=True (#265)
  • Fix errors reading OSM data due to invalid feature count and incorrect
    reading of OSM layers beyond the first layer (#271)
  • Always raise an exception if there is an error when writing a data source

Potentially breaking changes

  • In read_info (#281):
    • the features property in the result will now be -1 if calculating the
      feature count is an expensive operation for this driver. You can force it to be
      calculated using the force_feature_count parameter.
    • for boolean values in the capabilities property, the values will now be
      booleans instead of 1 or 0.


  • The GDAL library included in the wheels is updated from 3.6.4 to GDAL 3.7.2.

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