pypi pyogrio 0.5.0
Version 0.5.0

latest releases: 0.10.0, 0.9.0, 0.8.0...
24 months ago

Major enhancements

  • Support for reading based on Arrow as the transfer mechanism of the data
    from GDAL to Python (requires GDAL >= 3.6 and pyarrow to be installed).
    This can be enabled by passing use_arrow=True to pyogrio.read_dataframe
    (or by using pyogrio.raw.read_arrow directly), and provides a further
    speed-up (#155, #191).
  • Support for appending to an existing data source when supported by GDAL by
    passing append=True to pyogrio.write_dataframe (#197).

Potentially breaking changes

  • In floating point columns, NaN values are now by default written as "null"
    instead of NaN, but with an option to control this (pass nan_as_null=False
    to keep the previous behaviour) (#190).


  • It is now possible to pass GDAL's dataset creation options in addition
    to layer creation options in pyogrio.write_dataframe (#189).
  • When specifying a subset of columns to read, unnecessary IO or parsing
    is now avoided (#195).


  • The GDAL library included in the wheels is updated from 3.4 to GDAL 3.6.2,
    and is now built with GEOS and sqlite with rtree support enabled
    (which allows writing a spatial index for GeoPackage).
  • Wheels are now available for Python 3.11.
  • Wheels are now available for MacOS arm64.

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