pypi pylint 2.13.6

latest releases: 3.2.5, 3.2.4, 3.2.3...
2 years ago
  • Fix a crash in the unsupported-membership-test checker when assigning
    multiple constants to class attributes including __iter__ via unpacking.

    Closes #6366

  • Asterisks are no longer required in Sphinx and Google style parameter documentation
    for missing-param-doc and are parsed correctly.

    Closes #5815
    Closes #5406

  • Fixed a false positive for unused-variable when a builtin specified in
    --additional-builtins is given a type annotation.

    Closes #6388

  • Fixed an AstroidError in 2.13.0 raised by the duplicate-code checker with
    ignore-imports or ignore-signatures enabled.

    Closes #6301

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