pypi pyinstrument 4.5.0

latest releases: 5.0.0, 4.7.3, 4.7.2...
17 months ago
  • Adds a flat mode to the console renderer, which can be enabled by passing -p flat on the command line. This mode shows the heaviest frame as measured by self-time, which can be useful in some codebases. (#240)
  • Adds the ability to save pstats files. This is the file format used by cprofile in the stdlib. It's less detailed than pyinstrument profiles, but it's compatible with more tools. (#236)
  • Fixes a detail of the --show-all option - pyinstrument will no longer remove Python-internal frames when this option is supplied. (#239)
  • Internally to the HTML renderer, it now uses Svelte to render the frontend, meaning profile HTML files bundle less javascript and so are smaller. (#222)

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