pypi pydantic 1.0
v1.0 (2019-10-23)

latest releases: 2.7.0, 2.7.0b1, 1.10.15...
4 years ago

See Changelog.

  • Breaking Change: deprecate the Model.fields property, use Model.__fields__ instead, #883 by @samuelcolvin
  • Breaking Change: Change the precedence of aliases so child model aliases override parent aliases,
    including using alias_generator, #904 by @samuelcolvin
  • Breaking change: Rename skip_defaults to exclude_unset, and add ability to exclude actual defaults, #915 by @dmontagu
  • Add **kwargs to pydantic.main.ModelMetaclass.__new__ so __init_subclass__ can take custom parameters on extended
    BaseModel classes, #867 by @retnikt
  • Fix field of a type that has a default value, #880 by @koxudaxi
  • Use FutureWarning instead of DeprecationWarning when alias instead of env is used for settings models, #881 by @samuelcolvin
  • Fix issue with BaseSettings inheritance and alias getting set to None, #882 by @samuelcolvin
  • Modify __repr__ and __str__ methods to be consistent across all public classes, add __pretty__ to support
    python-devtools, #884 by @samuelcolvin
  • deprecation warning for case_insensitive on BaseSettings config, #885 by @samuelcolvin
  • For BaseSettings merge environment variables and in-code values recursively, as long as they create a valid object
    when merged together, to allow splitting init arguments, #888 by @idmitrievsky
  • change secret types example, #890 by @ashears
  • Change the signature of Model.construct() to be more user-friendly, document construct() usage, #898 by @samuelcolvin
  • Add example for the construct() method, #907 by @ashears
  • Improve use of Field constraints on complex types, raise an error if constraints are not enforceable,
    also support tuples with an ellipsis Tuple[X, ...], Sequence and FrozenSet in schema, #909 by @samuelcolvin
  • update docs for bool missing valid value, #911 by @trim21
  • Better str/repr logic for ModelField, #912 by @samuelcolvin
  • Fix ConstrainedList, update schema generation to reflect min_items and max_items Field() arguments, #917 by @samuelcolvin
  • Allow abstracts sets (eg. dict keys) in the include and exclude arguments of dict(), #921 by @samuelcolvin
  • Fix JSON serialization errors on ValidationError.json() by using pydantic_encoder, #922 by @samuelcolvin
  • Clarify usage of remove_untouched, improve error message for types with no validators, #926 by @retnikt

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