pypi prefect 0.14.7
I'm prepared to go forward with it

latest releases: 2.19.7, 3.0.0rc9, 2.19.6...
3 years ago



Released on February 10, 2021.


  • Support multiple docker networks with Docker Agent - #3986
  • Add healthchecks to prefect server - #4041
  • Raise custom TimeoutError for task timeouts to allow for more granular user control - #4091
  • Add access_token_secret to GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket storage, making the Prefect secret containing an access token to these services configurable - #4059
  • Add --skip-if-flow-metadata-unchanged to prefect register flow CLI command that avoids bumping flow version if flow metadata has not changed - #4061
  • Add --skip-if-exists to prefect create project CLI command that safely skips if the project has already been created - #4061
  • Add new Module storage class, for referencing flows importable from a Python module - #4073
  • Drop resource limits from manifest generated using prefect agent kubernetes install - #4077

Task Library

  • Add new tasks for communication with an Exasol database - #4044


  • Fix task decorator chaining by using inspect.unwrap instead of __wrap__ - #4053
  • Forward Prefect backend type to deployed flow runs, ensuring backend-specific logic functions properly - #4076
  • Patch around bug in dask's multiprocessing scheduler introduced in Dask 2021.02.0 - #4089


  • Docker agent network kwarg deprecated in favor of networks - #3986

Breaking Changes

  • Remove unused Storage.get_env_runner method - #4059
  • Remove private utilities in prefect.utilities.git - #4059


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