pypi plotly 3.4.0

latest releases: 5.22.0, 5.21.0, 5.20.0...
5 years ago

[3.4.0] - 2018-11-02


  • Updated Plotly.js to version 1.42.2. Select highlights included below, see
    the plotly.js CHANGELOG for more information.


  • Default figure properties may now be customized using figure
    templates (themes) and 7 new predefined templates are bundled with
  • Added Parallel Categories (parcats) trace type for the visualization
    of multi-dimensional categorical datasets
  • Added LaTeX typesetting support for figures displayed in the Jupyter
    Notebook using plotly.offline.iplot and plotly.graph_objs.FigureWidget.
    Note: There are still outstanding issues with MathJax rendering in FireFox,
    but it is now working well in Chrome.
  • Added include_mathjax argument to plotly.offline.plot to support
    the creation of HTML files with LaTeX typesetting
  • Added new plotly.offline.get_plotlyjs function that returns the
    contents of the bundled plotly.js library as a string
  • Added new plotly.offline.get_plotlyjs_version function that returns
    the version of the bundled plotly.js library
  • HTML div strings returned by plotly.offline.plot now contain logic
    to automatically resize the figure responsively. This logic was previously
    only added for html files.
  • Figures displayed using plotly.offline.iplot in the classic Jupyter
    Notebook will now resize responsively
  • Added 'cdn', 'directory', and path string include_plotlyjs options
    in plotly.offline.plot
    • When 'cdn', the resulting html file/div includes a script tag reference
      to the plotlyjs cdn.
    • When 'directory', the resulting html file/div includes a script tag
      reference to a plotly.min.js bundle in the same directory as the html file.
      If output_type is 'file' then this plotly.min.js bundle is created in
      the output directory if it doesn't already exist.
    • When a string ending with '.js', the resulting html file/div includes
      a script tag that references this exact path. This can be used to point
      to a plotly.js bundle from an alternative CDN.
  • Added a new color_threshold argument to the create_dendrogram figure
    factory to control the dendrogram clustering cutoff
  • Added support for autorange='reversed' in 3D axes
  • Added new gl3d tick and title auto-rotation algorithm that limits text
  • Added modebar layout style attributes:
    orientation, bgcolor, color and activecolor
  • Added title, titleposition and titlefont attributes to pie traces
  • Added hoverlabel.split attribute to ohlc and candlestick traces to
    split hover labels into multiple pieces
  • Added support for line.shape values 'hv', 'vh', 'hvh'
    and 'vhv' in scattergl traces
  • Added trace, node and link hoverinfo for sankey traces
  • Added per-sector textfont settings in pie traces



  • Plotly's use of MathJax for LaTeX typesetting no longer interferes with
    the Jupyter Notebook's use of MathJax
  • Fixed several issues with the use of reversescale=True in the
    create_annotated_heatmap figure factory
  • Fixed case where plotly.offline.iplot would fail to render in the classic
    Jupyter Notebook if the notebook contained a Markdown headline with the text
  • None values in a scatter.hovertext list are now omitted from the
    hover label rather than being displayed as the string "None"
  • Subplot titles created by are now positioned
    properly when custom row_width/column_width arguments are specified
  • The bar.width property may now be specified as a numpy array or a pandas
  • Error bars are now scaled correctly for logarithmic scatter3d traces
  • Use uuid.uuid4 rather than uuid.uuid1 to work around an upstream
    Python bug
  • The layout.grid.subplots property may now be specified as a 2D list of
    subplot identifiers
  • Fixed scatter3d text alignment

JupyterLab Versions

For use with JupyterLab, the following versions of the following packages
must be installed:

  • Python Packages

    • plotly==3.4.0
    • ipywidgets>=7.2
    • notebook>=5.3
    • jupyterlab==0.35
  • JupyterLab Extensions

    • plotlywidget@0.5.0
    • @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager@0.38
    • @jupyterlab/plotly-extension@0.18

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