pypi peewee 3.15.4

latest releases: 3.17.6, 3.17.5, 3.17.4...
20 months ago
  • Raise an exception in ReconnectMixin if connection is lost while inside a transaction (if the transaction was interrupted presumably some changes were lost and explicit intervention is needed).
  • Add db.Model property to reduce boilerplate.
  • Add support for running prefetch() queries with joins instead of subqueries (this helps overcome a MySQL limitation about applying LIMITs to a subquery).
  • Add SQL AVG to whitelist to avoid coercing by default.
  • Allow arbitrary keywords in metaclass constructor, #2627
  • Add a pyproject.toml to silence warnings from newer pips when wheel package is not available.

This release has a small helper for reducing boilerplate in some cases by
exposing a base model class as an attribute of the database instance.

# old:
db = SqliteDatabase('...')

class BaseModel(Model):
    class Meta:
        database = db

class MyModel(BaseModel):

# new:
db = SqliteDatabase('...')

class MyModel(db.Model):

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